[center][img]https://33.media.tumblr.com/4fc05d1f8fde2d45b064b41161b735b9/tumblr_inline_nuysc1ySsa1rlxyog_500.gif[/img][/center] [@Terminal][@Empath][@jetipster] Hey look more poor unfortunate souls to come join in on the [s]slaughter[/s], I mean adventure. I hereby welcome you all to TWS and I thank you for expressing your interest. As I told the others work on the OCC is currently in motion and until it is done feel free to post any questions here to me or PM me whatever suits your fancy. [@Lexicon] Mhmm that could be interesting, an elf and a mage? That's like a double dose of terrible racism because people don't understand or want to understand what you are. Anyway, the OCC is done at this point with all the information that one can need at least at the start. I'm just making some finish edits and touches to some character sheet things. So you should all expect a post telling you the OCC will be up within the day. (You'll all be tagged in it don't worry.)