[@Frettzo] Lorenzo smiled at the woman as she calmed a few of them down but not before they got riled up again presumably they saw another vampire nearby other then the ones that were already here so Lorenzo soon turned around but when he saw the monk robes he knew that they were safe [color=green]"don't worry shes one of us"[/color] Lorenzo told her as she nodded going back to calming the others then she came over Lorenzo's posse got down on one knee in front of her while Lorenzo gave her a small bow because she was of higher rank she had to be respected as such but the closer they are to rank the less theatrical they had to be about their greetings to each other. When she spoke Lorenzo's men and woman got back to standing up as he listened to her and tell him that this wouldn't impress his uncle. Lorenzo didn't want to admit it but she might be right even if they had a supply of blood packs it wouldn't be enough to promote him at best it would get him a good job from his uncle/elder. Lorenzo gave her his nice smile and nodded to her[color=green]"If you believe working together is the right idea Sengchou, then I will not be opposed to the idea. If you know of a way to really impress him then me and my team will be happy to join you in the endeavor[/color] Lorenzo said giving her another bow then he turned back to the girl to explain [color=green]"don't worry this woman is actually a higher rank then I am and I will explain the deal to her so that we can arrange for your donations as they come. As I promised before nobody ill be hurt by one of my kind and nobody will die from blood loss because they were greedy. If you will excuse us me and my family will bid you adu.[/color] Angelo said with a grin going over and kissing her gently on the cheek to make her putty in his hands one last time as she got weak in the knees again and nodded in understanding...