Alex focused on the back table for a few moments, watching as Adrian sat beside Jordyn. He relaxed, if only slightly, at the fact that the table right beside her and Adrian had another of the Reids [s]so Alex assumed her sister [/s] and Logan. As much as he didn’t want to give Adrian credit for anything, Adrian was one of the few people he knew who knew how to find that one button to press with people. He knew that Alex’s was the people he cared for, which was why the two had a falling out in the first place. However, he also knew Adrian wasn’t stupid enough to openly try anything in a class full of people who didn’t particularly like him either. His thoughts were snapped back once he heard he was partnered with Molly Jaxson, and was glad that it wasn’t someone like Jackie. At least, from what he heard, Molly was smart which meant they would likely be a good team. He gave her a thankful nod when she said she would grab their journals. He had almost forgotten how weak he got when he was recovering from a mental break, even if it wasn’t full on. He took his seat and looked to Molly. “Thank you.” He said before his mind started to wander. This class was full of all sorts of races, vampires included, and he knew in his weakened state he could likely become a target for an attack just because he had been before. His head turned slightly though, looking to his sister in the back of the classroom who was checking out her partner rather obviously at that too. He shook his head a bit and remembered what it had been like when he came down from his last one. He had been out cold in the infirmary for a week, and when he was finally allowed to go back to his dorm, four vampires tried to attack him. It had been the first time he had ever seen Billie lose grip over her demon half, since she had become so used to it that she could control it effortlessly. She had been going with Justin and Randa to go collect him, but no one else had a chance to even think about attacking. Billie jumped in after the first hit, and once two of them backed off, she nearly killed the other two. He had tried to pull her away in his weakened state alone, and even with Randa and Justin helping it was hard. The Arch Mage had had to put a ward between her and the vampires, and she didn’t even start to calm until she saw Logan. After he got there she stormed away and the whole thing kind of fizzled from there. It was the first and only actual fight Billie had been in since the beginning of the feud, whereas Alex had been in multiple simply to break them up. Billie had scared herself, and he was sure most of the vampires knew better than to fuck with her after that. She didn’t condone the violence, but he was sure if it came right down to it, she would fuck up anyone who gave her a reason. Then a name reached his ears and he smirked, relaxing a bit. Despite Garret not really knowing the state of things now, he was a damn good friend, and he could see the mixed emotions that ran over Justin. Garret wouldn’t get here a moment too soon. He caught Molly’s reaction and he raised a brow a bit before dismissing it. It had to be nothing, or just straight none of his business. And on top of that he just didn’t care. -- Billie sighed a bit, her eyes finally betraying her as she looked over Zach beside her fully. He had a good build, she couldn’t deny that, and she knew from gym that he had some tattoos which only made sitting next to him harder to not look. She finally composed herself as she threw paper wads at the back of Jackie Enderman’s head. It took her a moment to fully comprehend what Zach was doing when she caught him moving out of the corner of her eye before a thick ceramic cup appeared before her on the table. Her lips twitched up in a faint smile before she moved her hand and watched the cup lift off the table and she made another motion with her hand and she watched it hit Jackie in the back of the head, but before it could crash on the ground, she moved her hand again and brought it back to the table, allowing it to set itself at the corner to her left. She could tell by how Logan was talking to Zach that they were close, but she was still hesitant because she had seen that before too. She would ask Logan a question or two later, but for the time being she didn’t see an issue with Zach. In fact, if he was close enough to Logan she might actually enjoy being his partner. She turned slightly and noticed the pencils lying on the shelf behind her and she smirked a bit before she grabbed them and placed them in the cup, her devious grin growing. Oh… this class was about to get fun. -- Salazar heard his name be called with a Willow Reid. He vaguely remembered the name, but when he got to the table and he looked at her, he smiled at her aura. Though his normal vision was nearly entirely gone now, he could see aura much better, like the less he could actually see the better he could make out aura. He didn’t want to be rude to her, since she sounded quite nice and he apologized first. “I do apologize for not looking at you directly, it’s very hard for me to see anymore, but I’m Sal. It’s nice to meet you, Willow.” He grabbed a pen and on his journal he made a symbol in an angelic language so he could more easily locate it when he needed it. Angelic languages gave off a brighter aura than any other language, but he was thankful that he could still see a little bit still. He then spoke again, “Oh, and I should warn you now, sometimes I might not be in class. Really vivid visions are hard for me to come back from.” He said, “But Drake will tell you if I can’t make it, he’s over there.” Sal said pointing in the direction of Drakon and Clary’s table. -- Clary was glad to be paired off with Drake. Cole had told her that he was nice and all around a good guy, and she smiled to him when they sat together, though she was worried about Cole. She couldn’t help it! She only had a crush on Colette Evans since she joined the school, but still she wasn’t about to be impolite. “Hello again.” “Hey.” He greeted, looking over towards Cole who was just all around uncomfortable, and once Clary caught it, she took hold of his hand and pulled him and his chair through her and hers, switching places so he could be closer to Cole. He turned his head slightly, his senses going haywire for a moment. He gave Clary a thankful nod and he looked to Cole and she gave a sad smile to him. “I’m right here for you” Cole nodded. “I know, Drake. But I’ll be okay.” She assured him, “And if not I’ll talk to Kane.” Drakon nodded and reached over and gave her hand a gentle pat before Justin scoffed a laugh. “Aw… your boyfriend, Colie?” he chuckled, and Drake gave him a look, his eyes slitting. “I’d watch it.” He growled, ice appearing on the table before him, “I am rather close friends with someone who can and will put you in your place.” Justin just shrugged a bit and Clary placed a hand on Drake’s shoulder. He looked at her and she gave him a smile. “Don’t worry, he wont. He remembers last time still I’m sure.” Drakon nodded, looking over to Sal, glad that he didn’t have to worry about him at all being partnered with Willow Reid. -- Adrian felt the legs of his chair get forced to the ground as the lesson began and he growled a little, his eyes slitting a bit before Kane began explaining the journals. He looked towards Zach when he was called on and he smirked at his question. He heard two sets of laughter too. One was coming from that blood sucking pretty boy, Logan, and the other was more stifled. He noted that it was coming from Billie. Once Kane wasn’t looking again though, Billie had managed to regain handle on herself, the back of her hand having been pressed against her lips as she did. Merfolk… what an exciting lesson, but rightfully Billie didn’t care. She had been around most every race before the school, and Merfolk were like full blooded angels. They were dicks. She sighed and when Kane was into her lesson, she began levitating the pencils from the cup and she sent a few towards Jackie, poking her hard in the back. Her fingers were tapping on the desk quietly with the rhythm in which the pencils stabbed her and she kept her devious grin. However a thud at the door broke her concentration and the pencils dropped to the ground as Kane went over and opened the door. The Arch Mage walked in and most of the students seemed confused. However, he looked at Kane before he spoke. “Remind me, I need to carry around the keys for your classroom.” He said before changing the topic, “I promise not to take too much of your class time, Professor Kane, but I do need to make this announcement now.” He stood before the class, his hands moving a bit and a type of ward was placed on the classroom, and he looked over the students before speaking again. “Good afternoon, students.” He began, his hand coming up to his beard. “I suppose beating around the bush would not be wise for this type of announcement so I will be blunt. This year, in this class, we are introducing a survival test for second years and up. There will be a few exceptions to who will be able to take this and who will not be able to, but it has been found necessary to introduce this test.” Before any comments could be made he made another hand motion and the room was silenced. “This test will be administered in three phases, and after the first phase is completed I will come back and explain the next phase. This first phase is purely individual, and we will begin the testing in three weeks time. So be prepared, it will measure your knowledge of other races and how to survive in less than ideal situations. This test will be a written exam, and it will be administered over two days because of the sheer amount of topics that need to be covered.” He noted a few looks around the room before he spoke again, “Each test will be different as well, to prevent cheating. This is purely your knowledge and how well you score will help you in the next phase.” He lifted his spell and Adrian snarled. “This is horseshit! Why can’t first years take this exam?” he exclaimed. “Because you are new here and would most likely lack the control necessary for all phases of this test.” He said. “Why even invoke a test?” Billie asked and the Arch Mage looked directly at her. “Some of us have been here at least three or four years and there has never been a survival test before, why now?” “The state of things outside the school now are getting worse in our world, so in order to better prepare those on their way out now, we are invoking this.” He answered and Billie’s eyes went over black. Alex just looked at the Arch Mage and it just further confirmed what Clary had told them last night. Azrael was at large and he would likely make his way here once he found a way to make it dramatic enough. This boiled his blood because even he knew no test could prepare for what he could do. He shook his head and the chatter began around the classroom, spreading like wildfire. “SILENCE!” the Arch Mage bellowed, and soon everyone quieted down. “Colette Evans, Amber Miller, Rose Evens, Adrian Desmond, Salazar Hardy, as well as a few transfers coming in over the next few weeks are exempt from these tests, and it is possible that others can become exempt, but once you are on the exemption list you will not be taken off.” He said, “Good day.” The Arch Mage left, and Billie felt her blood boiling. “This is fucked bullshit.” She mumbled under her breath, picking up a pencil from the cup and as the commotion stayed going, she leaned back in her chair and threw the pencil at Adrian, hitting him in the side of the face. She quickly went back to sitting normally and balling up paper, tossing it at Jackie because the cup would be too noticeable at the moment. She couldn’t concentrate because something about this whole thing felt off. However, Alex threw a paper wad back at her and she looked at him before opening it. She read what it said and it soothed her nerves a bit. She gave him a nod as the class began winding down, looking at the journal that they had for this class. You really wanted to know how she felt? Kane, you would regret that from time to time. Alex sat there though, pondering it over. He and Billie would ace these tests, especially if it was about pure survival as they had been surviving their whole lives on pure instinct. The first phase didn’t worry him, but the others did. His eyes landed in front of him as he heard a small chuckle. Fucking Darren Flint. He didn’t trust that guy as far as he could throw him, and he seemed almost too pleased about the whole thing. If there was ever a team phase in these tests, his team would be screwed. Alex sighed, opening the journal and writing something in it before sliding it to the side as the class started to get back in order. His head hurt now, and with his weakness already it made it worse, and he took of his glasses and began rubbing his temples. This was going to be a huge headache. He could feel it.