Posted. I had to cut it off a bit short as I compensated for a shit week of writing by going at it six hours straight in a trance, and now I feel weird. Probably some spelling errors in there that I will regret come tomorrow morning, I'll fix most of them then. Also I have an idea for my next post, a stupid one that will involve tank surfing and explosives. Lots and lots of explosives. Gonna see what can be done the coming week. [quote=@Bright_Ops] [@Jbcool] Just to give you a head's up, I used several 1d100 rolls to see what would happen to Belgond when he did what he did during the upcoming post; I gave myself a single reroll for this campaign to factor in the divine of the Emperor... It was used for this post. While we are in this ork ridden city, Belgond will not get another second chance. You'll be able to guess when the reroll happened. [/quote] You, my man, are awesome and unwittingly embodied my previous post. Godspeed Belgond, stay an awesome example to all of us o7. Lastly poor Ninke, there's probably not much of her squad left.