[hider=RED] [b]Name:[/b] Akira McCollough [b]Persona:[/b] RED [b]Appearance:[/b] [center][hider=Suited up][img]http://orig12.deviantart.net/7c33/f/2010/066/a/d/ninja_suit_final_by_skazi222.jpg[/img][/hider] [hider=Under the mask][img]http://img12.deviantart.net/bad3/i/2014/320/b/5/daniel_henney_by_syoshiko-d56arnm.jpg[/img][/hider][/center] Portions of Akria's organic frame had been replaced by artificial implants, the only "original" portions that remain are his torso and head. Even with the added material to his body, his short stature had only been modified with one inch (5'6" now); since they weigh as much as a natural limb, they didn't ruin his posture or any skin tissue near the implantation areas. His mixed heritage is evidenced by his visage, having jet black hair and a pair of black eyes bearing the trademark epicanthic fold; his thin, square jaw and thin nose help balancing his facial features in a not-hard-to-look-at young male. [b]Age:[/b] 25 [b]Archetype:[/b] [color=9e0b0f]Enhanced[/color]: His arms (starting from the glenohumeral joints) and his legs (from the tibiofemoral joints) have been replaced by low-grade implants that improved his mobility and force. Akira's capabilities increased with a remarkable margin compared to his physical prowess prior to reconstruction, even though the implants themselves are rather "bare bones" in composition. The bones are made of medical-grade titanium, the joints are rather crude in design and require lubrication to prevent eventual friction, but what really makes the new limbs special is the artificial musculature that not only make up for the lost tissue, they also prove to pack quite some strength in their anatomically-correct morphology. Carbon nanotubes take place for muscle fibers, which contract instantaneously to neurological input. Another important advantage Akira has that all basic prosthetic limbs lack is the presence of synthetic proprioceptors lined through the nanotube fibers and crude tactile sensors in the tips of his fingers. He can "feel" where his limbs are, so he can coordinate them properly around his body, the sensors in the very tips of his fingers allow him to control his artificial fingers with more accuracy. The limbs require significant amounts of improvement, but it is a lot better than being completely crippled. [b]Power set:[/b] [list] [*]Strength - I - The aforementioned synthetic musculature's combination of structure, materials and layout allow for more laborious physical efforts. He definitely possesses uncommon strength, but it's nothing to write home about. His extensive training works in an uncanny synergy with the enhancements, as he is able to use them to their maximum capacity and achieve impressive stunts, his melee strikes can throw people off their feet (he can't really send them flying, though). [*]Speed - I - With strength comes speed too, Akira always preferred flexibility and agility over bulk and brawn. His current enhancements don't really allow the same amount of flexibility an organic construct can, but they do not weigh him down at all. [/list] [b]Origin Story:[/b] Born to a rather poor family, Akira had to grow through a rather tough childhood in which he spent most of his times to help his parents gain the very little amount of money on which they were forced to survive from day to day. Having no chance to achieve higher education, the child's only hope was to find himself a very easy, high-risk high-reward job when he would grow up; for that reason, his grandfather made sure to toughen up the runt with rigorous training drills once he had reached seven years of age.Through his adolescence, his teachings continued as the old man would relentlessly beat vicious self-defense reflexes and techniques into his grandson. Since it is custom for traditional martial arts to be built around a philosophy, Akira was also indoctrinated with a rather peculiar form of conduit which summed up to a simple ideal: to be invisible to the eyes of the world, strike in the most opportune moment and defend only when "revealed" to the opponent. Like any true youngling, he couldn't possibly wrap his head around how one could live such a life, but he found utility in this teaching in adulthood. Given very little options, the eighteen-year-old chose to sign a contract with a private military company, the infamous Artemis Security Agency. It was quick, easy money, even though he had to endure a world of pain throughout boot camp and gain mental scars from the combat-intensive operations he conducted in warring third-world countries. But the blood-stained money he earned allowed for his family to move in a decent apartment and afford a normal lifestyle. Knowing that his family still suffered due to his choice of work, he wanted to resign as soon as he possibly could, to his contractor's disapproval; Akira was an obviously talented field agent, proving that his intuitive intelligence could tackle tasks through rather unorthodox, but highly effective methods of approach. For that reason, the head of ASA found it obligatory to rid Akira of his familial connections so that he could properly focus on his operations; once he found out about the atrocity done against him, Akira was left with no purpose, no cause to fight for. Therefore, he chose to end his life and deny his contractor's valuable asset by allowing himself to get blasted by an IED. To Akira's dismay, he was still alive. The contractor made sure his most valuable human asset would keep working under his orders and immediately had his damaged limbs amputated and replaced, while finishing the paperwork that would include the agent in a special branch of operators fitted with cybernetic enhancements. Before his new limbs could receive some upgrades to better shield the artificial musculature, and hell knows what else ASA had in mind to insert into his remaining biological body, the bionic man swiftly escaped the poorly guarded facility. With nothing left to lose, he found a new purpose to his existence in his second chance to life: fight corruption, fight evil, fight against those who destroy lives for their own benefit. That is, at least, what he tells himself, to justify his raging need for revenge and closure. [/hider]