Catching flashes of the others argument, Virgil thought it was wiser to keep out of it. Not that he had nothing to say, but... Focusing back on Bluebird, he began, "Well...I think I get it. I mean, sure my power could be dangerous, but I've never really used it at levels that could kill someone. But it's not like Batman's code or anything, I just... Most of my rogues are street punks. Superpowered, sure, but I don't that means I should kill them." Scratching his head, Static said, "Okay, maybe I don't get it. I ended up in the middle of those drones, so I can figure what would have happened if I'd stayed. It might not be 'hate' but it didn't feel too far off." But then again, Virgil wasn't quite sure: was it possible to save those drones? He didn't want to think about it.