[@Lugubrious][@Cuccoruler][@rechonq][@Slendy] Yuki, Claire, and Miriam were forced to watch as human race, those that were good, and the rest that were evil, were wiped from the planet. Their lives, snuffed out, because of the insanity and obliviousness of an individual with several devoted followers. This was not something that they took lightly. Claire and Yuki, and Miriam to a degree, were close to the humans. They had lived among them and learned what they could do by studying the products of their efforts and imagination. Claire wanted to hurt whoever decided to end them all, but decided against it, as such an act would prove nothing, and do nothing. Yuki wanted to speak out, but if she had, there would have been no point. The deed had been done, and she could do nothing but watch in shock. Sensing something extreme about to happen to Yuki, Claire rushed out of her own realm, heading to the Nexus. She had every reason to worry, as another deity had come. In an extreme reaction to the extinction of life on Earth, Aforgomon had released several old deities to eliminate those in the Nexus. Yuki was caught off guard, as she was still trying to recover from the shock of earlier. Four deities made an attempt on her life with empowered weapons, and the heat of the Sun. Unfortunately for them, Claire would not have it. She had been using a glitch-core track to increase her speed. The only downside was that she had to pause several times in different parts of the area, but it helped Yuki. The goddesses of Dance and Song, of Dawn and Dusk, looked at each other. "[color=f7941a]Any requests?[/color]" Yuki thought quickly, as they had little time before the old norse deities attacked again. Only one piece came to mind. "[Color=fdc68a]Let the Departed roar.[/color]" "[color=f7941a]Tall order...'kay, sis.[/color]" Claire stopped the music she was listening to personally, and snapped her fingers. Immediately a chorus of singers began bellowing out from nowhere, and the sound of instruments unseen was heard. [youtube]v=1it2CiuIujM[/youtube] With the organ sounding, light and darkness began pooling together in separate spots besides Claire. Yuki, collecting herself, and calming down, walked forward, and began twitching violently as a guitar began to screech. Suddenly, she was gone. the wind had come to her aid once more, with Claire's light and darkness following suit. The Light and Darkness rushed away from Yuki, and started to attack Heimdall and Ullr. Heimdall's horn was destroyed, so that it would signify that his end would happen in this battle. The two norse gods, however managed to fend off and disperse the two constructs of light and darkness. Heimdall rushed toward Claire while Ullr began shooting arrows at her, marking her as their new target. Yujki engaged Tyr personally, risking an attack from the advancing Sol. Every move was meant for dance. Every move summoned a different weapon. A halberd, a shortsword, a mace, etc. Yuki had to rush him, and keep him on the defensive so that he'd let his guard down. Unfortunately for her, the rapidly increasing heat of the area meant that Sol was getting closer. She almost thought that she wouldn't have made it, until... ...Claire stood in place, not even attempting to step away or avoid anything, and Yuki wasn't trying to do anything to tell her otherwise, she just continued dancing. Claire began muttering something in a masculine voice, repeating maddened ramblings of strangeness and assured control. The darkness and Light began working quickly. They swirled around the area like a maelstrom. They moved quickly, attacking the enemies of, and defending their commanding mistress, and her sister. Light surrounded Ullr, and ate away at his body by entering it. Darkness surrounded and bound Heimdall, entering his body just like the light did with his ally. Soon thee two were no more, and all that was left of them were a broken bow and a broken horn. While Claire uttered these words, Yuki, began to enact her own finishing touch. As the god and goddess attacked her with weapons and dangerously close solar flares, she danced faster. She moved from one spot to another among the wind within moments, though the heat and the lucky weapon strikes still hurt her body. Power began to gather around her once more, and once again, it shot into the sky, forming a circle. However, this was different. Instead of simply dropping a dagger, it shot out two several chained harpoons. They pierced through Sol and Tyr, anchoring them in place as the dagger fell once again. If one listened carefully, they'd hear a metal sound amongst the Roar of the Deaparted Souls. A moment after it, and the two norse gods disappeared as dust. Yuki fell unconscious, as keeping herself whole from attacking a being with the heat of the Sun seemed too much of a burden to carry for her alone. Claire made her way to Yuki, and cradled her in her arms. She smiled gently, as her music continued manipulate the hurricane of light and darkness. [h2][center]Meanwhile...[/center][/h2] [@Ace of flames01][@Lugubrious] When Claire made her way to the Nexus, Miriam had nothing else to do. The humans were dead, and sharing the fight with a bunch of other deities would just mean another abrupt ending to a battle she'd look forward to. So she just stared off into the mirror that overlooked the Earth. She came across a strange thing. a building that was still standing. Suddenly, a bunch of otherworldly tentacles reached out, and started to wrap around it. Miriam smiled. She jumped through the mirror portal, and forced the fog to gather. Using them, she made an entrance to the area around the building, Cleaving through one of the tentacles with the base form of her Rakuyo. She stood as the tentacle piece wriggled and twitched before going limp, giggling and laughing. "[color=ed145b]Heheheh...Hyahahahahaha!!!! Lookie here! The first battle on Earth after the deaths of every mortal! I feel so honored that I get to fight in such an event![/color]" A mist began forming. a thick fog condensing deeper and deeper, until normal sight was lost in a vastness of murky white. They came in clumps and patches, spread out and separated, but they worked. They acted as teleporters for Miriam, allowing her the ability to go from one spot to the next in an instant, as long as the mist there was thick enough. They also helped speed up the process, as she used them to send cleaving attacks in the form of arch-shaped fog. A few minutes of repeating her attacks, and the tentacles that were already there, were visibly chopped up pieces. Miriam looked about, and found the amphibious being that was responsible approaching the building. She smiled at it, and said, "[color=ed145b]I once saw a lizard warrior slash faster than the mortal eye can see. I wonder how much more of a challenge you'll be compared to the game I found it in.[/color]"