[@Lugubrious][@OtomostheCrazy] There was a loud pounding noise that echoed through the realm, like someone tapping their finger against a glass fish aquarium, and the realm trembled furiously for a few minutes. Somebody was trying to destroy the barrier and whoever it was, was clearly not someone in search for an idle chat. Suddenly, Leon saw it; a beast of squid like characteristics and the size of a titan. This was unfortunately something that couldn't be reasoned with. Leon shot a powerful jolt of lightning, rivaling that of Zeus' power, into the sky, electrifying the barrier. It charred multiple of then tentacles and severely shocked the remainder of the body, though it unfortunately was not enough to kill it but merely stun it. [color=ed1c24]"Bloody hell you're a tough bugger aren't ya? Fine. But I'm not letting ya touch Rhona with a single one of those filthy appendages of yers!"[/color] He replied as he teleported himself to the edge of the barrier, where he found a goddess with silver hair and a twisted smile.