Chara had a lot of questions, but Asriel unfortunately could not answer all of them. Instead, he simply smiled and said, "[color=fff200]Let's get you to my house first. You still need help right now.[/color]" [i]Some time later...[/i] Asriel and Chara eventually arrived at his house in New Home. Upon entering the doorway, Asriel shouted, "[color=fff200]Mom! Dad! Somebody help![/color]" Fortunately, somebody came. "[color=f26522]Asriel? What's wrong, my child?[/color]" Toriel asked, coming over from her room. "[color=39b54a]Golly, who's that?[/color]" Asgore asked, also arriving to the scene. "[color=39b54a]Is that a human?[/color]" Asgore asked, seeing Chara leaning on Asriel. "[color=f26522]They're hurt,[/color]" Toriel said, noting Chara's injuries. "[color=f26522]I'll go get something from the kitchen. Dear, get the human somewhere comfortable,[/color]" Toriel ordered, already heading to the kitchen. Asgore smiled kindly and extended a hand. "[color=39b54a]You're gonna be alright now,[/color]" Asgore reassured Chara. "[color=39b54a]Let's go.[/color]"