Dar looked at the schedule he had been handed, "I know how you feel, Lady Violetta, along with those students. I still remember my exams, nobody warned me how dangerous they were. And no teacher wants to lose their students, but unfortunately, we can't always predict the outcome of any situation." he said, lowering the paper. He looked at the headmistress, "As long as those three are prepared to the best of their abilities, I'm sure they'll be alright, no matter what comes their way." he reassured her with a smile. Dar still remembered the graduating exams, so many talented people died, even those who had been prepared and were expected to surpass expectations died. He had been one of the select few in his class that graduated, though he never forgot about those who had fallen, he kept them close to his heart. Looking over at Aura, he couldn't help but be glad he had her, she was as loyal to him as her father had been, if not more. Clearing his mind, he went back to the paper, "Well, I think this would work out well. I could teach the level one meditation if the teacher there needs some time off now and then." he said, rubbing his chin in thought. [@Aisling] [@Ninkitty]