[@Aisling][@Krinos Solstice] Allison continued looking at the list of classes while Dar gave his suggestions. After Dar said that he had a bad experience with fire magic, Allison figured he'd ask if she was fine with teaching air and fire, so it didn't come as a surprise when he suggested he teach earth and water while she teaches air and fire. Lady Violetta gave them both a schedule for this year. She looked it over and saw that there were a few classes that weren't decided upon quite yet. At least until the headmistress cleared that up. "I hope those three make it out alright as well. I remember how hard tests here can be." Meditation at this point was the only one that still needed a teacher. Dar had stated he could teach that one if need be, but then again so can she. "I wouldn't mind taking the level one meditation. That ok with you Dar?"