Dar nodded his head at Allison, "It's all yours. If you need a substitute for the class, let me know, I'd be more than happy to cover for you if you need it." he said, offering the woman a smile. Now that things were decided, he stood and stretched, "Yes, I think it would be good to get to Orientation, I think we may actually be running a little behind as well." he agreed. He went over to Aura and placed a hand on her head, [i]"Aura, time to wake up, we're heading out now."[/i] he said. Aura slowly opened her eyes and yawned, slowly standing and stretching her body before nuzzling his hand, [i][color=lightblue]"You sorted out everything?"[/color][/i] she asked. He nodded, [i]"Yes. Now we're on our way to meet our new students, I expect you to behave."[/i] he said. The dragon gurgled, [i][color=lightblue]"I'm always on my best behaviour! You know that!"[/color][/i] she replied. He chuckled, [i]"Yes, but you never know how new students will react to you, your species is still relatively new after all."[/i] he reminded her. She pushed her head against his leg a little roughly, [i][color=lightblue]"Must you keep reminding me of that as well?"[/color][/i] she asked, clearly starting to become irritated. He sighed, [i]"No, I guess not. I'm sorry, Aura."[/i] he apologized. The dragon made another gurgle before looking over at the two women, the look in her eyes said she wanted them to hurry up, [i][color=lightblue]"They're so slow..."[/color][/i] she complained. Dar chuckled, "I think Aura's getting a little impatient. Shall we head to Orientation?" he asked the two. [@Aisling][@Ninkitty]