[img]https://66.media.tumblr.com/9807a14412dcd0070460fa261b21f1de/tumblr_oaebly0ed11snmb06o1_1280.png[/img] [img]http://pre11.deviantart.net/9a74/th/pre/f/2015/157/3/1/ladymochizuki235_by_lunaymochizuki-d8wbpe1.png[/img] age: 419 (approximately) appearance doesn’t age past 19 birthday: December 10th Height: 5'3" species: pure-blood Ainbru (demon angle hybrid) Abilities: Shadow manipulation. Can conjure Violet flames and summon shadow demons. Can shape shift into Any Feline form. Most commonly a black cat. Lunay is the only pure-blood Ainbru. Her mother Luna (aingeru) and father Daikoku (Deabru) were rulers of the aingeru, deabru and ainbru black-bloods and blue-bloods living on earth among the humans, otherwise known as the Mochizuki clan. lunay is heir to the Mochizuki throne but refuses to take her place as ruler, because she believes she doesn’t deserve It. ~Background~ At a young age Lunay lost control of her Deabru blood lust and slaughtered her family and half the village. She was chased out by surviving villagers. For years she was Alone, wandering, Constantly picking fights with other demons and getting into trouble. She Wallowed in the guilt and self pitty, and then rage. Allowing herself to fall into a darkness that would very soon corrupt her. She began to murder, attacking countless villages for no real reason. Eventually, after Years of Hurting others, and allowing herself to get hurt, she grew weary of fighting. Finally clawing herself out of the darkness she’d allowed herself to drown in for so long. it was then that she decided she would go into hiding. lunay returned to her castle where she now lives alone and away from civilization , her village now in ruins, villagers long since disbanded. And her blood lust nullified. Yet the events of her past and all the damage she caused would not be forgotten. ~personality~ Lunay is a quiet mysterious personality, preferring to avoid contact from outside her personal solitary confinement. If one is lucky enough, or un-lucky, to get to know her, Lunay can be rather shy, childish and playful at times, one would never have suspected her to be a killer. However, Lunay can also be stubborn and Incompetent and rather quite selfish. Despite her seemingly harmless demeanor, Lunay also has a dark side to her, One wrong move and she Is quick to anger, sometimes resulting in violent outbursts. She has a tendency to hold a grudge, for a very long time. Likes: Sweets. milk. fish. warm places. naps. cats. roses. grooming her hair, wings and tail. exploring. hiding in high places. Hiding in general dislikes: being alone (but wont Admit it). the dark. humans. trespassers on her clans territory. hunters. other, stronger beings, Specifically Vampires. crowded places. storms and rain. ~Extra Info~ Deabru means demon in Basque Aingeru means angel in Basque pure-blood Ainbru is exactly half Deabru and Aingeru, neither trait is dominant over the other blue-blood Ainbru; Aingeru traits dominant over deabru traits. Black-blood Ainbru; Deabru traits dominant over Aingeru traits. [i](art by Yours truly)[/i]