[@Lilygold] Alphys blinked her eyes behind her glasses as light flooded the room. [color=fff79a]"Sure thing, Undyne,"[/color] she said. She gathered up her courage and stepped outside. The street was lined with nice-looking human houses of the sort she used to only see in Snowdin and anime; Alphys liked living here much better than in the solitary Hotland lab. They walked over to New Snowdin, where they were met with a strange sight: a tall human girl with mismatching eyes swinging an ax at Papyrus and Sans. The two were sending a barrage of bones at her while she bounced them off her ax and occasionally hurled her weapon at Papyrus. Alphys winced in sympathy as it hit him with the handle. She remembered watching Undyne spar with Papyrus, but who was that ax-wielding child? [color=fff79a]"W- what are you doing?"[/color] she asked. Then she looked over at Undyne, wondering how she would react to the former sentries sparring with a human girl.