(Thank you [@booksmusicanime] for somehow mind controlling me into picking this up) [img]https://images-2.discordapp.net/.eJwFwVEOxBAQANC7OIDBoqN32EMIgqQ1wvSr2bvve6941iVO0ZjnPgFy34lWlptpxVpkJapXibNvmeiGyBxTu8vgDdoGf4TwQYPBe6uUAu2Mcxa9tg69UVYjfHsevTaWc1Tx-wMqVyMO.KI86WK4GRFz3eS0xFJklVnDCvyM.png?width=400&height=179[/img] [hider=Prologue] I had always believed in death, though I never thought of it as anything more than what it sounds like. clearly, I was wrong. There was never anything I do to stop death, it happens to us all, I've lost enough people to its grasp to know that full well. No one can stop death, whether we like it or not, we cant live forever, death always finds us, it practically feeds off of us, almost as if our death prevents its own. I have lost a good deal of people in my life, they either die in a crash, by cancer or some other way. My sister, my mother, my father, my closest friend, they all died. I'm used to death, it doesn't frighten me, one day it will take me, and who am I to fight it? everyone else in the world must face it, why shouldn't I? A year ago, my closest friend, Drake was diagnosed with cancer, and had a few more days left according to the doctors. I was heartbroken to see my friend die, but it didn't show, crying wouldn't help the situation any, there was no point in it. "Mason, I'm going to need you to step outside for a minute." The doctor walked in, at this time Drake was given some sort of medicine to steady his breathing "I'll be outside", I went outside and sat in a chair by the door. On one hand I was sad to see my friend go, but on the other I was happy that he no longer had to endure what he was going through. "He is a strong kid, he lasted days longer than most" I looked over and saw a man with a black jacket, brown boots, blue eyes and silver hair "You don't seem so upset kid, isn't he your friend?" "I am, but crying will not help him" this made the stranger laughed "Son, its good that you accept death, it happens to everyone" he remarked me as if I really was his son. "well it was nice meeting you Mason" somehow he knew both me and drake, yet I have never seen this man, he stood up and walked into Drakes room, who was this man, why was he so calm about death like me? and how did he know who I was when I never laid eyes upon him? [/hider] [hider=Chapter 1:The rain.] I walked down the steps from the school to the road, it was 3:32 PM. School had just let out for the day, and while everyone around me were practically trampling one another, I was just wandering home, everyone else either rode a bike or waited for there parents, neither of the two were viable options for me. So I chose to walk, as I always have done, and always will do. "watch it dummy!" a kid on a bike yelled out as he nearly clotheslined me with his bike, right before laughing like he just threw a pie at my face. I felt like yelling out that he wasn't any smarter, but it wouldn't to any good, immaturity isn't a solution to violence, I have learned that many ways, so I decided to drop the thing and be on my 'merry' way. About ten minutes later it started to rain furiously, like mother nature was angry, "Seriously?!" I broke into a run as I tried to get to my home without getting soaked, it didn't rain to often around where I lived, but when it did, it rained for days at a time, but never as bad as this. I couldn't hear my own footsteps pound against the sidewalk as I tried to get out of the rain! Finally I got to my house: A one story brick house with a broken screen-door, I opened it but opened the second door quietly, my unelected father would be asleep by now, he was by no means my real dad, because I never knew him, he was just someone who the government chose to 'take care' of me. He only did it because of the money, which works well for me, because I have to do [i]NOTHING[/i], all my 'father' knew how to do was sleep, meaning if I were quiet, I could have the whole house to myself, that's not hard considering I've put up with this for 10 years. I could easily make no noise for the rest of the day, until I have to wake up and go to school. Nothing significant happened for a few hours after I got home, I simply sat around and dozed off a few times. Finally I decided to grab a bowl of ice cream, I went to the freezer, grabbed an empty bowl the size of my head and filled it. I went over to the counter and grabbed a spoon, then sat down and had a snack, there was nothing I liked more than cookie and cream. Nothing I tell you. something caught my eye outside the front door window, I saw a black figure standing there with his back turned, it was dark outside so I couldn't make much of him, he was about as tall as the door, an issue on his part if he tries to break in, after a few minutes the figure walked away, perhaps he had just stopped to look around. soon after I finished the ice cream, put the bowl aside and got ready for bed, I usually went to bed at 9, but I was tired so I just threw on some clothes to sleep in and dozed off [/hider] [hider=Chapter 2:whispers.] I ran and ran through this place, I wasn't sure what it was though, the trees were bare, the sky was pitch black, no moon, no stars, just solid black like ink. Yet I could see as clear as day, I had no idea where I was or even if anyone else knew, but something wasn't right, I considered calling out to see if I was alone, but I decided against it and started to find out where I was. For what seemed like hours this 'forest' made literally no sound, the only sounds I could hear were my footsteps, and even they sounded muffled, the silence in this place was maddening. It wasn't normal, even for a forest, finally, after ages of wandering I heard whispers around me, like people were talking behind my back and doing a poor job at keeping it secret. The whispering grew louder and louder like it was right in my ears, I turned around but saw no one, just darkness, then the whispering slowed, I was now able to understand what it was saying, but I wish I hadn't heard that raspy, haunting voice. [color=8493ca]You should not be here. You still draw breathe. We will fix that.[/color] Whoever, [i]what[/i]ever just said that, it wants blood. I turned back around and nearly fell flat on my back. A figure towering over me was a few feet away, his eyes locked on me, in his right hand was a simple axe, the kind a knight would use. His skin looked to be centuries old, his clothes were tattered and burned and his eyes were as grey as iron. Finally I spoke, like my voice just returned after leaving "Who are you, what do you want?" The man spoke, the whispers were his voice [color=8493ca]Who I am is of no concern to you mason, just know that my face is the last you will ever see[/color] the man extended his left arm outward, and the ground started to darken to the same color as the sky, and I started to sink. [color=8493ca]If I see your face here again, I will not show you the same mercy aga-[/color] he was cut off as a curve blade cut through him, he turned around and from my perspective, he spoke to the air. [color=8493ca]you should know that you cant stop me,[/color] A calm voice spoke out [color=0054a6]you should know that death takes all.[/color] The man dissipated into ashes as the new voice spoke out to me [color=0054a6]mason my boy, I wish you hadn't seen this place, I'm sorry[/color], the voice spoke with a sympathetic tone like no other, and with that I sunk through the floor completely. And then I woke up. [/hider] [hider=Chapter 3:Relics of the past.] I rose up out of bed wide awake, not knowing at all what just happened, I was as confused as my heart was racing, I just went through the floor like magic, that's weird even for a dream, I got up and looked outside the window, it was still nighttime and the streetlamps were on, maybe it was 1 am and I woke up far to early after a few seconds I heard what sounded like a loud hiss from downstairs, like a snake .I got up and slowly made my way downstairs, after the first few steps I saw a purple light shining on the walls, I assumed my 'father' left the TV on, but once I got down there, I realized I was horribly wrong, standing with its back to me was a familiar person. The man who was outside. He was almost as tall as the house itself, his hair was inky black and his skin was sickly pale, and he was eating something, though I couldn't tell what it was. I managed to sneak around the man and over to the kitchen counter and then ducked behind it, I peeked around the side of the counter to get a better look at him, and I could see his face, he had claw marks on the side, his nose was bleeding and he had blood smeared across his mouth, though I couldn't see his eyes. my immediate thought was that this guy had been attacked and only broke in out of desperation, so I stood up and walked over to him slowly, and thought I could help. "are you alright?" I said quietly as the stranger was still eating whatever he had in his hands, he slowly turned and stared straight at me, and I stopped dead in my tracks, I was finally able to see his entire face clearly, and it explained the blood on his mouth, and I could see fully what he was eating He was eating my the head of my 'father'. I backed up and hoped to god above that I was dreaming and that there really wasn't a 6-foot tall intruder in my house with half of my 'fathers' head in his stomach, the man dropped the head and turned to face me head on, between me and a hulking madman with a taste for flesh was a threshold and 4 feet of distance, I had to run, but to where? the man let out a raspy laugh and gave me a bloody smile, his teeth were crimson red, he locked his eyes with me and walked towards, me he picked me up off of the ground and threw me against the wall behind me. He turned around and spoke in a sandy voice, a voice that I wish I never heard again [color=8493ca]And I thought you were braver than that[/color]he was the man in my dream, only much more insane. I got to my feet and ran out the door, there was no way I was staying there with him, I turned back around to see him giving me a death stare, and in his hand was his axe, stained with blood, the man spoke and said [color=8493ca]remember this axe? son of the scythe?[/color] I had no idea what this madman meant, should I have known? [color=8493ca] it was the same axe your father used to cut me down. and now he will pay, but first, its your turn[/color]. He was implying that my father used that axe to kill him when he was standing right there in flesh and blood, he claimed to know my real father. at last, my voice had returned "I have no idea what you are talking about!" his horrid voice spoke to me a few feet away [color=8493ca]so the old fool must have finally smartened up then? good, it simply means I wont have any significant trouble out of you.[/color] the man lunged at me and swung his axe down upon me, I stepped to the side but was cut on the left shoulder, [color=8493ca]do not think for a second that I am done with you![/color]he stood up again to swing at me again [color=8493ca]I will end the both of you, I will conquer mortality itself, I will tear you apart, I WILL MAKE SURE YOUR FATHER KNOWS TH-[/color] he was sent flying into the ground a few feet back by some invisible force, he must have been unconscious because he didn't move an inch [color=0054a6]I warned you Damon.[/color] I turned around and saw a man who spoke with that voice, I knew him, who else would have such blue eyes and such silvery hair? "What is going on?" I asked him, he waved the question aside and put a hand on my shoulder [color=0054a6]not to worry mason, we need to get out of here[/color] "wait a moment, who are you and what does any of this have to do with me?!" the man laughed and gave me a sly grin[color=8493ca]perhaps this will jog your memory[/color] the man pulled out a small stone with a tree inscribed on it, the left side was burning and the other below a raincloud. I could never forget this thing. when I was 5 my mother gave me this stone and told me my father wanted me to have it, she told me that even though I couldn't see him, he cared about me deeply and asked her to give me the stone. [color=0054a6]Its good to see you mason[/color] standing In front of me for the very first time since I was born was my Father [/hider]