Here is my CS, let me know if something needs changing. --- Name: Jace Dragov Age: 20 Gender: Male Race: Human/Dragon (looks like a normal human) Appearance: [hider=Jace][img=][/hider] Profession: Mercenary – Sword for hire. A good fighter with not much else going for him. Personality: Jace is as boisterous as his fighting style entails. He loves having fun and will run around and play at any chance he has. Despite his playfulness, he has a strong sense of business and believes that he will not do anything for someone unless he gets something out of it. As a result of being kicked out of his village when he was young, his sense of right and wrong lacks a little bit, leading him to occasionally doing things others consider to be wrong or bad but he usually never means bad by it. He is often mislead by his gullible-ness and utter inability to lie. Loves human company in every aspect that isn't work. He prefers to work alone. Equipment/Weapons: He is skilled at using a sword and always keeps one with him, but he prefers to use his gauntlets, heavy metal gloves with small holes that let him use his powers. Abilities: Decent ability with one handed weapons, but specializes in fighting with his hands. Fast runner, can climb well. His magic ability allows him to create fire from his hands and feet, which he uses to aid his hand to hand combat. His gauntlets are made with several small holes covering them, allowing the fire to come out as he attacks. Brief Back-story: Jace remembers nothing before the time he was 5, including his real parents. All he remembers is stories he had heard of dragons becoming humans and walking among us. He is blissfully unaware that he is the product of one of these dragons becoming interested in a human women. As such, he has always had an affinity with fire, being able to use simple fire magic from when he was young. Not being interested in fine tuning his magic arts, he decided he would adapt a fighting style to suit them. It took him several years, but he perfected his own style he decided to call Fire-arts. After being banished from his village for accidentally burning down the local church at the age of 10, Jace started his journey around the world, hoping to get as far as he could. He soon realized that without money, he couldn't accomplish much. After begging for a while, he had the idea that he could try to use his magic to earn money. So after a long road of choices, Jace eventually would up becoming a mercenary and has been traveling the country on foot, completing any and every job someone is willing to pay him for. While journeying in the country side, he heard mention of a city called Karstberg and decided he would check it out. --- Magic name: Fire-arts Magic description: A combination of fire magic and martial arts. The user will coat parts of their body in fire as they hit an opponent, then releasing the energy to maximize the damage the hits can cause. The releases of energy are used in an attempt to knock the opponent off balance allowing big hits to be dealt. Holed armour is worn on the limbs as to allow fire to come out of them, while still having some impact behind the hits.