Kasai proceeded to sit rather uncomfortably while the conversation shifted. The assumption she had been garnering that things had so far went well was soon beginning to change in her mind, and she hoped that it was not reflected on her face. There was clearly tension between Avani and her cousin, and after Kasai saw Avani's reaction to the upcoming story, she felt terrible for ever suggesting such a tale be brought up. Kasai nodded occasionally and listened actively as Jaya told the story, but found her laughter to be a little obnoxious following the conclusion of the story. It didn't seem to be too terribly embarrassing from Kasai's point of view, but clearly it upset Avani. Still, she nodded and found it amusing to imagine a tiny version of Avani confessing a crush to a table full of mourning family members. Maybe these type of stories always feel worse from the other side. Perhaps Avani would get the same opportunity one day with Kasai's parents, who knows. "Sounds like quite the story." Kasai said, giving Avani a reassuring pat on the shoulder. "Funny how much children actually understand that adults usually dismiss." What was that saying? Children were like drunk adults? Brutally honest and naive all at the same time. "They must have been quite the handful, though. I grew up an only child, and any cousins of mine I did not see very often." It was true, her parents being in Republic City and the majority of her mother's family living back in the Fire Nation meant that family visits were kept to a minimum. In fact, they never left the City. Kasai didn't know why, but it was a rare occasion that a cousin or uncle would show up in town and they would have a get-together. As for her father's family, he was an orphan. Kasai and her mother were all he had. "I respect the large family unit though, almost wish I had had more family when I was growing up. Might've allowed me to have a little more fun when I was a kid." It was no secret that Kasai was a little too serious at times. Well, that may be in part due to having no companions other than a pet deerdog as a child. She was a little envious of the big family concept, having so many loved ones around you all the time. Then again, she was content with just she and her parents.