I am thinking of making a mixed sylvan/human from Vroncroft, focusing on the winter and cold. I was thinking of making the sylvan side wendigo or ijiraq. A blend cleared by the Templar in an effort to make a more loyal form of the Sylvan for fighting. They were deemed instable and some had to be terminated. After hunting demons and evil for the Templar for years they have less reservations about the girl, but she is still monitored. She's flighty and bipolar. She is a bit of a monster, that fights monsters and sometimes wants to eat them. :) But super sweet and wants her peers to like her. Weak to extreme heat and fearful of fire, maybe. Arcane Arm, possibly also playing off the snow, or playing off the ijiraq abilties (shapeshifting shadow people). Of course, that is if it is okay with you guys. I'm just toying with ideas.