I feel invisible at the moment, yes I only have a few RP's and one of the few people I role play with comes on every so often. But for those who are on daily seem to forget posting a reply like they never got my reply, over the years of being here at the guild I have become very skeptical over my partner not getting my replies. I should not have to remind them as that is not my job, yet it seems to be getting harder and harder to keep role playing everywhere and anywhere on the internet. I can understand if they are busy but when they are replying to everything else but me it makes me wonder why I am doing this. As I have stated in another post I want to write a few books as I try to improve my writing, whether it is getting better or not remains to be seen. Though I can write a book in a rough form I do miss the human element of another person which RP's give me. I guess the added stress of going to the devils playhouse ever week is getting to me and it seems being treated as a ghost is adding to it. [img]https://40.media.tumblr.com/2a8920743acd45bbe95b5eee66edbae4/tumblr_inline_nymifcLiYR1qf0w4j_540.png[/img] I should not be this