The remaining founders of the Justice League walked over to the rest of the group. Batman noted what he'd heard in the numerous conversations. The knight was strictly about the endgame and damning anything to do with science or machinery. The 'deaths' weighed heavy on this one, who removed his helmet. Superbeast and Captain Marvel were steadily becoming friends, as were Static and Bluebird. Doctor Light seemed more interested in the civilians they had saved and brought back to base camp outside of Metropolis. Starfire watched over her friend, Raven, who was still unconscious. Kid Flash looked to be trying to regain some of his energy eating several of the protein bars and MRE's the military had provided. "Everybody listen up..." Batman spoke getting everyone's attention, "Nightwing as well as the remaining civilians in the city are being held under what used to be the Daily Planet. As some of you have noticed many of the drones seem all too similar, and it isn't their programming. I've estimated around 90% of the techno-zombie drones we've been facing are in fact duplicates of the League's multiplying man, Ditto..." "Nightwing's alive?!? That's the best news I've heard in days!" Superbeast responded. "Before Brainiac can build a larger army we need to take down the remaining three drone generators and find out where he's keeping the original Ditto. If Ditto can't be saved we'll have to take him down." the Flash commented. "We're gonna call it a day for the most part, however Batman has stated he's going back in to attempt to free Nightwing." Wonder Woman said crossing her arms almost as if she disapproved of Batman trying to go in alone yet again. "I asked you not to tell them, Wonder Woman..." Batman said in his usual tone. "While Batman didn't ask for help, any League members wishing to volunteer may do so. Those of you in Young Justice will be sitting this one out..." the Amazon continued noticing what appeared to be a metahuman flying towards them in the sky, "Batman, were you expecting...?" "He's here." Batman said to the point. ~KL~