[hider= Joslyn (Jossie) Vulcas] [color=teal][b] Name: [/b][/color] Joslyn (Jossie) Vulcas [color=teal][b] Sex: [/b][/color] Female [color=teal][b] Age: [/b][/color] 17 [color=teal][b] Experiment Tier: [/b][/color] Test Subject [color=teal][b] Enhanced Trait 1: [/b][/color] [i][b][center] Enhanced Vision:[/center][/b][/i] Josyln’s enhanced Vision allows her to see with almost startling clarity, making it possible for her to pick up on the smallest of details when she is out in the field or simply trying her hardest to blend in and collect intel. Along with her ability to see clearer than the average human, she is also able to see things further away without the aid of a scope, giving her the ability to be an amazing sniper, though she does not classify as the best as she knows there is always someone out there better than herself. While she can see well enough in the dark, if the area is completely devoid of any form of light (i.e moonlight) she is unable to see just like any average human. [color=teal][b] Enhanced Trait 1: [/b][/color] [i][b][center]Downside: Light Sensitivity [/center][/b][/i] While Joslyn enjoys the perks of being able to see far and in complete clarity, this enhancement caused her to develop an acute sensitivity to light. Due to this, she must always wear sunglasses until nightfall and, unless the room is dim enough, while under artificial lighting. Part of her counts this as a blessing in disguise as it offers her a way to hide her eyes from those who are looking for her, as they are the most notable feature that she maintains. Should she be subjected to bright light (i.e a flash bang) without the proper eye protection, her sight is rendered useless until such a time that her retina’s are able to adjust and right themselves. [color=teal][b] Enhanced Trait 2: [/b][/color] [i][b][center]Heightened Reflexes[/center][/b][/i] While she is unable to dodge bullets, Joslyn’s reflexes have been enhanced in order to allow her reaction time to be far greater than the average human. The messages that travel from her brain to her limbs take far less time to communicate the need to do something, allowing her to react faster and take less time to process situations as they occur. Her heightened reflexes also increase her rate of fire depending on the firearm she is using at the time and aid her well in hand to hand (or overall close range) combat. [color=teal][b] Enhanced Trait 2: [/b][/color] [i][b][center]Downside: Twitchy[/center][/b][/i] Due to her uncanny habit of twitching, whether it is when someone touches her or when she is forced into a fast reaction time too many times in a row, Joslyn attempts not to rely on this ability too much. While engaged in close combat, should she take a particularly hard hit (or a harmful hit in general) her body’s reflex is typically over exaggerated and could potentially cause more harm than good to herself. [color=teal][b] Faction: [/b][/color] Poltava [color=teal][b] Appearance: [/b][/color] [hider= During Captivity] [img]http://i.stack.imgur.com/ZJLRO.jpg[/img] [/hider] [hider= Disguise] [img]http://img-cache.cdn.gaiaonline.com/512039b43de5ce6539e5a4388a9d3c8e/http://flikie.s3.amazonaws.com/ImageStorage/af/affd59215fc011dfb51b000b2f3ed30f.jpg[/img] [/hider] Height: 5’7 Weight: 145 lbs Distinct Feature(s): HeteroChromia (LE Green / RE teal) [color=teal][b] Clothing: [/b][/color] See second picture for shirt style, typically wearing black jeans or slacks and a pair of black sneakers. Due to her light sensitivity, Joslyn also wears a pair of sunglasses that she rarely takes off. [color=teal][b] Personality: [/b][/color] Joslyn prefers to keep to herself when she can, though she is not shy by any means but seems far from approachable due to the fact that she always looks rather mad, even when she is not. Usually very straight forward and blunt, she hates to sugar coat things and is usually the person to go to if you want the hard truth about something. Once one gets past the bluntness and permanent ‘I will kill you’ look, she is overall a fun person to be around who enjoys a good joke just as much as the next person. [color=teal][b] Weapons: [/b][/color] [url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/35/0b/2e/350b2e7ae345b19c1221279c1fd548f6.jpg] SR-25 [/url] (Semi-automatic special application sniper rifle 7.62x51mm), [url=https://s3.amazonaws.com/mgm-content/sites/armslist/uploads/posts/2013/07/24/1918729_02_pmr_30_pmr30_with_threaded_bar_640.jpg] PMR-30 [/url] (.22 magnum), and a few well placed throwing knives. [color=teal][b] Equipment: [/b][/color] Emergency Kit Containing: [list] [*] Lighter [*] Compass [*] Camelbak [*] Disposable Cell Phone [*] Emergency Tinder [*] Magnesium Starter [*] Emergency Rations [*] First-Aid Kit (small) [*] Canteen [*] Aqua Iodine Tablets [*] S&W SWAT Knife [*] Mini LED Flashlight [*] GERBER [/list] [color=teal][b] Bio: [/b][/color] Taken at a young age, Joslyn does not have much of a childhood to remember as she spent most of her years in a facility being put through an array of tests. While she remembers nothing that happened between the ages of 8 and 16, she can remember what few years of clarity she had with her Mother and Father. Both of her parents always seemed to be happy and madly in love with one another, a feeling they also shared with their daughter who never went without. She always went to parks to play with the other local children, a place she assumed she was taken from as she could not remember anything leading up to the week that shew as taken. Despite many attempts to try and recollect the eight years of memories she did not have, she had nothing to show for it as every attempt resulted in a failure. When she had managed to escape the facility with the Three Kings, Joslyn had attempted to find her family, wanting to go back to them, to let them know that she was ok despite her genetic modifications. When she got to the outside of the house she remembered living in eight years ago, she found it in the state that she had left it, immaculate and well taken care of. However, when she peered inside, she saw only a shadow of the man her father was sitting in front of the television with beer bottles all around him and a young boy pleading for his attention. Not being able to take the sight before her, she left without so much as knocking on the door and found her way into the Poltava faction. While she could fight if need be, she preferred doing things from afar, or simply not at all as she isn’t much of a violent person unless the situation calls for it. While she finds no pleasure in what was done to her, she could not bring herself to join the faction that actively attacked the government, despite the fact that she blames them for everything that she saw through that window. At present she volunteers as a sniper when one is needed, doing her part in an attempt to earn her keep with those she decided to join. While she has no issues with remaining in the shadows, even she is aware that there are times when violence is a necessity and when the government is after you, sometimes that necessity happens a lot. [/hider]