[color=0054a6][color=0054a6]"Don't think anything of it, Takeo. I've still got no clue what that kid had against me, but guessing by what his mother said, probably something really stupid that he over-exaggerated. I still can't believe a nice little kid like that would do that..."[/color][/color] Kel's stomach broke him from his thoughts once more, now having the aroma of the soup in front of him. As usual he took a nice big gulp down. Nice and spicy, just the way he liked it. When he'd first actually tried this soup, so long ago, he had ended up using his bubblebeam on himself to try to ease the spicyness. Over time he realized that the Oran Berry Juice, and sometimes a little bit of Rawst Berry, would really help cool it down. After a few minutes both the bowl of soup and the glass of juice were empty. Kel, now with a full stomach, got up and headed around to the main counter. He got the fee from his treasure bag and sat it on the counter, enough for a decent tip as well. [color=0054a6]"Another good one, see you next time Takeo."[/color] Kel waved and headed out back into the bustling mid-afternoon of Medburn. [i][color=0054a6]"Guess it's time to check out what the Guild has up on the jobs, wonder if they've got any leads on that Gabite or Scyther..."[/color][/i] he thought as he trotted over to the guild. As he passed through the entrance, he waved hello to Espurr, the calm and usually pretty happy desk attendant for the Guild. To get to the job boards here, Kel had to pass through the dorm rooms. He looked back and forth through each room, checking out the new teams or old teams that stayed here. He passed by one of the rooms and noticed the Axew from earlier. He was with a Togepi and a Noibat. Now that he thought about it, he remembered seeing the two of them back in the crowd at the alley way. [i][color=0054a6]"Well good for him, looks like he's found some friends to form a team with... seems like a really good kid."[/color][/i] were the thoughts that passed through his mind as he made his way into the inner workings of the Guild. He made his way over to the job boards on the far side of the main room. Not much today, but recently activity in Mystery Dungeons had begun to pick up again for some reason, so he expected that this short break of peace was not to endure. Then he spotted it, a wanted flyer for a Scyther, spotted nearby at the Winding Plains. [color=0054a6]"That might be the same Scyther from earlier today... I can't pass this up!"[/color] He grabbed the flyer and put it in his treasure bag, then taking a few minutes in the main room to check what he would need for this job. [@Ordure] [@AbysmalDemon] [@Lugia] [@Evanist]