[center][h1][color=hotpink]Hanako Mizushima[/color][/h1][/center] [hr] As her store was bringing in customers, around lunch time no less, Hanako walked around helping customers as well as staff. It wasn't a hard task to do since she liked doing what she did, and would end up doing makeup for a customer who was going on a date with someone she liked. [color=hotpink]"Ah, dates are magical."[/color] Hanako would say as she combed the customers hair back to be able to get a full view of her face. She grabbed a few clips to be able to pin the lady's hair back to keep it in place. [color=hotpink]"I remember my first date."[/color] After finally pinning the hair back of the customer Hanako grabbed a cloth, sprayed it with a safe chemical that would help to wipe off much of the dirt that can't be seen but is still there. She then carefully wiped much of the lady's face, and then placed another cloth on her face though this time it was simply warm. [color=hotpink]"The date went terrible, and the date himself was a pain, but it was fun no less."[/color] She'd chuckle as she took the cloth off of the customers face. With one more cloth she'd wipe the customers face clean, and would lay out all of the equipment she would need to make this lady's face look like a goddess. [color=hotpink]"Now, let's begin with-"[/color] Suddenly, Hanako turned behind her as she heard a customer arguing for a refund. Turning back to the customer at hand Hanako gave her a warming smile to assure her she'd be taken care of. [color=hotpink]"Well, it seems like I may have to hand you over to someone else, my apologies."[/color] [color=hotpink]"Karin!"[/color] She'd turn to yell at a coworker who had just finished doing makeup for someone else. As Karin slowly made her way to the manager Hanako would signal for her to come a little closer. [color=hotpink]"Tend to her, and make sure you make her beauty pop. Don't add too much, or you will ruin her. You can use my tools, but if you use them incorrectly I'll fire you."[/color] Then walked away. She cared for her staff, but at the same time she had hand-picked them herself as they had superb skills in makeup, so if Karin was to fail her then she would have no other choice but to let her go. After all, expectations are to still be met in this store no matter how small it is. [hr] It took quite some tiem to tend to the customer as she was unsatisfied with the product one of her staff members had recommended her. Turns out that the lady had an allergic reaction to a product a few days ago that she swore she'd told the worker. Whatever the case was Hanako handled it, and decided to hand pick a product for the lady that she didn't have at the store but would order for her. Luckily, the lady had left satisfied that she was taken care of, though Hanako would need to step out for a bit since she had begun to get a headache. It wasn't often she had one, but for some reason today she had got it. [color=hotpink]"What should I do..."[/color] She murmured to herself as she looked to the left where her neighbor was still on lunch break. Having no other choice, as she had to stay near her store in case another problem was to occur, Hanako walked to the tailoring store to stand there, and wait for Quint. While she waited she leaned against the wall nearby the doors, and would hold two fingers to her temple as if it'd help with the headache. [@Major Ursa]