[i][b][color=0072bc]Just keep your head down and keep walking, don't bring any attention to yourself and you should be perfectly find,[/color][/b][/i] Joslyn found herself thinking as she walked by a handful of uniformed police officers, [b][color=0072bc][i]Don't give them a reason and they won't bother you, mind your own business... just keep on moving...[/i][/color][/b] As she made her way past the group, she glanced over to see what it was that had their seemingly undivided attention, her mis-matched eyes hidden behind the dark lenses of her sunglasses. As her eyes landed on the rather gruesome sight that was rather poorly hidden by government bodies, she couldn't help but frown at what undoubtedly remained of one of her own. Joslyn had come to terms with what eventually happened to many GMGs months ago, but that did not make seeing the mutilated corpses of those who had been found and killed any easier. [b][color=0072bc][i]Looks like someone didn't make it back to their home last night...[/i][/color][/b] Just as she was passing the final officer, one of them spoke up and called her attention to them, [b]"Hey, what do you think you're doing walking so close to a scene?"[/b] a male voice demanded, causing her to tense up as she prepared to make a run for it, [b]"Stop your lingering and get outta here before we bag you for impeding an investigation!"[/b] Joslyn simply made a face as she hurried on her way, not wanting to give them anymore of a reason to grab her now that their attention had been drawn to her simply by her walking by. [b][color=0072bc][i]Yeah... right... there is not going to be an investigation, you are all just the clean up crew,[/i][/color][/b] she thought rather dejectedly. She had no idea who the remains belonged to, if they had someone waiting for them or even what faction they belonged to, but she couldn't help the sense of sadness that washed over her at the loss of life. She hated the non-stop fighting and the constant running that had long since became a necessary part of their existence, an existence that they had no say in whether or not they became a part of. As she rounded the corner, a small sigh passed her lips,her hands coming up to rub her temples as she finished what was left of her trek home. The building she utilized wasn't anything special, had technically become condemned after a fire had broken out a couple months ago, but the apartment that she stayed in had remained virtually untouched by what had happened. What was even better was pretty much everything had been left behind, leaving her with a nearly fully furnished home that she may have become a little too comfortable in, considering she had taken the time to get much darker drapes for the windosws. Flopping down on the couch, she found herself staring blankly at the ceiling, not entirely sure what it was she was meant to do with the free time she had. When she wasn't out collecting intel, she was doing her best to try to find other GMGs so she could try to help them relocate to safer area's of the city. Sometimes she was successful, sometimes the girls were entirely too terrified and would refuse to go with her, rarer still, sometimes they would shoot at her. [b][color=0072bc]"Nothing like getting shot at by someone you are trying to help,"[/color][/b] she grumbled to herself as she reached out to pick up one of the many books that were strewn across her coffee table, [b][color=0072bc]"I am already getting rather bored of this entire thing. I need to either meet someone that will spice things up a bit... or I need to go on another mission or something. I am already going stir crazy."[/color][/b] Letting out a sigh, she rubbed her face before cracking open the book she had chosen after removing her sunglasses.