[h3][color=Peru][i]Faarah Wahba[/i][/color][/h3] "[color=Peru]Are you for real?[/color]" Wondering what was going through this man's head, Faarah became a tad bit irked. He could have just apologized, made up some kind of excuse, anything but act oblivious. "[color=Peru]You came into my shop and broke not one but three items. There is no way that we can sell them in their condition now. Granted they were broken when they came in but that is not the point. We have signs in the store letting everyone know to be careful. I might be willing to accept that, maybe, you didn't see them, but you gotta at least admit you did it.[/color]" As his words rolled on his voice got shakier and shakier, making him self-conscious. A lot was going through his head, he wanted to hurry this along. Taking a breath he composed himself and looked the man square in the eye. "[color=Peru]You break it you buy it, or you hire us to fix it again.[/color]" [@l0ck0n]