[@Eklispe] Actions: Shoot Necromancer Marksman check required: (1 yellow 2 green vs 2 purple)=[u]sssttT[/u]= Triple success with double threat and a triumph [@rush99999] Actions: Search the tower for loot. Search check required: (2 yellow 1 green vs 2 purple)= tt = Failure with double threat ------------ The arrow let fly and struck the necromancer into the chest. He made a gargling sound as he stepped back and fell from the tower. With the threat dispatched Ka-Vara began the search the room, But he was distracted by the smell of death and did not dig to deep into the room. Rather he looked around. Rarely did such things bother him, but the sheer mass of undead flesh did add itself up. The top of the tower had the large whole ripped through it, in the centre of the room was a large table covered with various pieces of paper, candles, books, and several herbs and plants. At the far side of the room is a makeshift necromancy lab, A combination of modern scientific tools set beside twisted tools and tombs. At the side of the room opposite the open wall, was a small living quarters, with a small bed, chest, and kitchen. Metosi walked over to the table ans begun shifting through some of the paperwork while Qa'Ra waked over to the open wall and looked down. "This one believes you have a good shot, Shinon"