Dar looked at Aura, [i][color=lightblue]"What is a...nibble?"[/color][/i] she asked him, tilting her head to the side as she watched the woman. He chuckled, "It's a treat specifically for pets, would you like one?" he asked her. Aura slowly came out from behind him and lowered her head in a submissive fashion, her nostrils expanding as she sniffed ahead of her, [i][color=lightblue]"As long as I don't have to do any tricks for it, yes. Go ahead and tell her what I like."[/color][/i] she replied, her eyes still on Lady Avalon. Dar looked at her, "She says yes, so long as she doesn't have to do a trick to get it." he said, chuckling a bit, "Aura is actually one of the more unique Aqua Dragons, she is a complete herbivore; she won't touch meat or fish, even though I've encouraged her to. I've found she really enjoys bananas, so if you have any nibbles with that flavor, I know she'd enjoy getting one." he answered. [@Aisling]