For some reason, the speeder she was going for was suddenly occupied by the same person who was apologizing about his droid... Lunaris didn't have a choice. It was stay and face the Sith, and inevitably become one with the Force, or delay that and get in the damn speeder. Leaping with the Force, she landed in the passenger seat of the speeder, her own lightsaber in hand in case she needed to defend herself and the young man commandeering the taxi. After the leap, the Chiss' hood had fallen back to reveal more of her light blue skin, and black hair tied into a ponytail. Chiss weren't all that much of a common sight... Between the Padawan and the Sith Lord, this was quite a rare sight outside of Ascendancy Space. "Get us moving, I'll defend you," Lunaris said calmly, turning around in the seat and pressing her back against the windshield, so she could deflect any blaster fire or lightning streams sent at them. Well, the blasters were easy. The lightning...? Fifty-fifty. Clearing her mind of what she'd just imagined their odds might be, the Chiss ignited her lightsaber, a blue blade of plasma shooting out of the hilt just as the first Imperial blaster bolts whizzed past. ---------- Lord Arkana was quick to follow Aotisa's lead, running around the lightning and through the dispersing crowd. Their method of escape was clear. Either they needed to get some speeders of their own, or stop them in their tracks! "You won't get away!" the Sith growled, throwing her lightsaber in a wide arc. Jedi or not, if the speeder was destroyed or disabled, there wouldn't be much chance of their survival unless they found a platform or hangar to crash land at. Specifically, the saber was destined to swipe across the thrusters on the back of the vehicle. If it didn't make its mark, Arkana was still confident forces could be rallied to the spaceports around Nar Shaddaa. They'd be spread thin, but it was better than just giving the enemy a free ticket off the glittering moon.