Reese was quick to notice the heat that radiated from the various meteors spawned by Ptah. One even smashed against his back and imploded sending him hurdling through the air. Several Egyptian gods began to rush him as they seen this as a chance to attack. When they came close enough Reese regained his center of gravity and was quick to protect himself. He even through a couple of punches himself getting a few of the gods. "Damn it's like a portal just shitting out Gods....!" Reese stated mainly to himself as he took out five more gods with blows to their heads. Not to far in the distance floated Ra and Ptah spamming meteors and Ra increasing the flames of the meteors. Honestly they was doing most of Reese work for him. All he had to do was distract his attackers as metros snuck up behind them and took them to marshmallow heaven. After about a hundred meteors Reese stood in an open empty space wondering what to do with the spammers. While he was stuck in his thoughts Ptah spawned more meteors somehow increasing their speed with each summon. As he did this Ra progressed to Reese's location hiding himself amongst the meteors. Reese snapping out of his thoughts as a meteor breezed passed him. "Fuck off!" He shouted dodging the meteors and closing the distance between him and Ptah. Reese got a few feet away from him and was surprised by Ra aiming to pierce him with his hand that was covered in flames. Reese quickly grabbed him by the collar and hurdled him at Ptah completely catching both of the spamming gods off guard. While Ptah and Ra try to recover from the counter Reese clenched his fist and charged at the two striking one of his powerful blows blowing a large whole through both of the Gods bodies. Resse dusted his hands as he walked away from the scene. "And that's what happens when you mess with destruction." With that Reese took off to help whatever God he believe that is in need of it.