[color=brown][h1][center]Little Jack[/center][/h1][/color] [color=brown]"Where's my goddamn Winchester model 1866?"[/color] The child-looking vampire yelled in surprise, lips curled as he showed his fangs in anger, before he slammed the table where assorted parchments laid scattered about. The sound of splinters being ejected and the very table cracking quickly silenced his words finally before sighing. He slumped his head, almost slamming the table in the process, as the gears on his mind were still processing who had been the fool responsible for such a vexation. [color=brown]"One more time... let me ask one more time. This is all about regarding this week's shipments... isn't it?"[/color] Little Jack formulated the sentence slowly, as if talking to someone who was a child, or incredibly scared. His eyes darted to the recruited aide this time, a Kyres who had been drafted into library and paperwork duties. The young, handsome looking lad [i]flinched[/i] significantly at the sight of Little Jack's scowl directed at him. He feared an angry veteran vampire, even if said vampire had the body of a nine year old. "Yes...sir...sir. I've checked it thrice." The brunette said in a choked voice. [color=brown]"Allfather..."[/color] Little Jack uttered a curse before visiblely relaxing. [color=brown]"Ah, I suppose it's no use getting angry and that. Those slobs at the New York docks, will hear from me soon. It must have been their fault."[/color] The Prelate kid finally said, before jumping down fron the chair in a single leap, and started to walk. [color=brown]"Hawkes, wasn't it?"[/color] Jack eyed the Kyres once more, who still reeled at the mere notion a prelate was addressing him directly.[color=brown]"...please put the parchments back in the files."[/color] He added as he started to walk outside his studio, stopping before remembering something. [color=brown]"...Keep up the good work."[/color] He encouraged the youth. He'd probably forget his face in a few minutes, but that wasn't reason to not be polite given the circumstances. [color=brown][i]What a mess. Our ruler kinda kicked the hornet's nest this time. Sparked the ambitions of the entire vampire community of London, and I bet Lord Ventrue doesn't even realize that this means everyone else will come down knocking on our turf in the most underhanded ways possible. Fair competition among vampires? Hah, fat chance of that happening! And those fools at the States have forgotten to send the weapons shipment to increase our firepower. What use is to be near the docks if we can't really exploit it fully?? This is going to be tough, and I can't let everything be handled by underlings.[/i][/color] The prelate kept walking sunk in thoughts. [color=brown][i]I could use a snack now...and is that Lord Ventrue?[/i][/color] He said as he noticed an all too familiar figure doing... strange sorts of maneuvers. [color=brown][i]He's not normally this loopy.[/i][/color] He added mentally, as he approached Lord Ventrue, a shadow of concern in his face. [color=brown]"M'lord?"[/color]