[center][h1][b]CONVO Johanna Phillips & [color=red]Lex Henderson[/color] Los Angeles, California[/b][/h1][/center] "THERE HE IS." Walter shouted before coming to a sudden halt. As Johanna slowed her paced a warm acidic and bitter taste started to rise in her throat and gathered in her mouth. She knew the feeling all to well. Her face turned completely white but before Walter could ask what's wrong Johanna found herself bent over behind a trash can emptying the content of her stomach. "You alright?" She just held up one finger to him as if you say 'give me a second.' Her upper body seemed to shudder in disgust as she straightened herself up. "Told you we should not have gone to McDonalds earlier," Walter joked. "Ha ha very funny," Johanna rolled her eyes knowing full well this wasn't caused by the large cheeseburger meal she had consumed earlier. This was because of those stupid drugs they jumped her up with. Sure they felt good at first but when you are coming down its a whole lot of pain and nausea. "So, what's wrong with him? Taking a nap on the job." She wiped her mouth clean on the sleeve of her jacket before returning her attention to their unconscious colleague. "No idea...but there is this unique scent in the air which I had picked up earlier at the school. I can't confirm it 100% but I think our friend here was being chased because I could smell this scent the whole time I was following our friend's trail." [color=red]Lex rounded the corner in the alley way with haste, but remained careful. He always loved a good brawl, but he knew better than to go charging straight into bullets if there were any. His red eyes locked onto the two individuals standing over the man he had recently incapacitated. Lex straightened up his stance as his eyes shifted back to normal. He couldn't help but smirk at the two that seemingly stumbled upon his victim. "Like what you see? Now scram and find another alley to make out in." Lex said as he sized the two up. His pistol was accessible to him if he needed to give them a scare, though he felt sure that they would leave in a hurry. [I]How the hell did that geezer get with a girl like that... must be a gold digger. [/i] [/color] Johanna and Walter simultaneously spun around their weapons drawn and pointing straight at the intruded. Johanna decided to take the more 'normal' approach and not reveal her powers unless necessary. Although she might never admit it, deep down inside she was feeling a little vary about her abilities and whether she had enough strength at this moment in time to use them. She eyed the stranger. At first glance he looked almost like a Quantum agent, a professional. [i]Formal black suit. Tie. Fit build. Clean cut.[/i] But upon closer inspection she could tell his wasn't one of them. Usually the organisation's logo would be embroidered somewhere on the clothing which he didn't have. Nor did he bear the 'mark' or for better word serial numbers on his neck. All agents were assigned a specific six digit number for identification purposes which would be tattooed on their neck just below their right ear once they passed the training. She brushed off his comment about her and Walter making out. [i]That old geezer wishes.[/i] "Ha. I don't think so mate. How about you scram?...what's that saying again finders keepers losers weepers." She snickered before giving the strange one of her typical mocking smirks. Even though he was out numbered and appeared to be no immediate threat with no weapons of his own drawn she kept her hand steady and her finger firmly planted on the trigger. [i]One false move and it's goodnight.[/i] [color=red]Lex's eyebrows raised in surprise at the quick draw the two had. He didn't expect this, but it was hardly that much of a setback. Pistols weren't a big problem for him. He looked from the female to the male twice over. His smirk faded before spoke. "And you are??" He asked in curiosity.[/color] She was astound by the fact he didn't even flinch when he saw their weapons. [i]Why is he so calm? What's he hiding?[/i] Johanna glanced over him again and frowned slightly feeling a little frustrated by the fact she couldn't figure out why he was so confident. "Evo..." Walter softly whispered into her left ear. She rolled her eyes in annoyance at herself. [i]Idiot...get your shit together and focus.[/i] "CIA." Johanna flashed her badge with her free hand. "So if you don't mind sir could you please step aside so we can continue our investigation." Walter quickly showed the stranger his ID before lowering his weapon. He signalled Johanna to do the same. She hesitated for a couple of seconds before following him. If they were going to pretend to be CIA agents then they better not be pointing their weapons at innocent civilians even though they looked sketchy. Although she might've lowered her gun she kept her finger still on the trigger just in case the stranger wasn't all that innocent. [color=red]"CIA, huh?" Lex said with a smirk as he nodded at the two. "Oh let me see that ID." Lex said as he took a step forward to get a good look at Walter's ID. Lex had no idea what to look for when it came to fake IDs, but he'd go with the flow of things. He knew they were both lying. Walter was a bit better than Johanna, but they weren't fooling him. He touched the ID moved in closer before an idea came to mind. "You know, you're pretty good at lying, right?" Lex whispered just before electricity sprung from his body and shocked Walter. Walter went numb, but Lex wasn't done. In a swift spin movement and on Walter's way to the ground, Lex stole some of his energy and drew and aimed his pistol at Johanna's face. "Amazing, ain't I? Now are you going to tell me who you really are?"[/color] As soon as she saw the strange red electricity moved towards Walter she took a couple of steps away from him. She had been shocked enough times today and therefore decided to let Walter take one for the team. Johanna couldn't help but smirk slightly when Walter joined the other unconscious agent on the floor. Now there were no witness which meant she could do whatever the hell she wanted without having to worry about someone snitching her in to the big guys. "Thanks for that he was..." Her words trailed off as she gazed back towards the intruded and he noticed he had drawn a pistol out. [i]Strange.[/i] She couldn't help but wonder as to why he decided to pull a gun on her. [i]Why wouldn't he just zap me like Walter and be done with it?...then he could do and take what he wants...unless[/i] A sinister smile spread across her red painted lips as she gazed over him again. [i]Unless of course he wants to play...mhmm yeah let the games begin.[/i] "Woah hold up there handsome," her hands went straight up to her chest in a defensive manner causing her gun to drop to the floor. Johanna then kicked her weapon a little away from her, "You're not going to shoot an innocent, defenceless unarmed...young and pretty girl, are you?" She pouted her lips and gave him puppy dog eyes as she stepped towards him. [@FunnyGuy]