"We found some food the pup can eat princess." Both twins offered from the open doorway, Enna hummed softly in acceptance while her hands continued gently scrubbing. Her eyes were narrowed and her shoulders had tensed as she'd listen to the pup's story. It seemed even the young of her kind were being subjected to the world of confinement and punishment just as she had been. "She wasn't left at our door. Wolves have a sensitive sense of smell, by instinct she followed my scent and found herself here. She barely escaped from where she was being held with a few other pups, these wounds were caused by others. It seems even the young Weres are being treated like dirt and confined just because the powers we can posses scare the other people so they try to break them at the earliest age possible so they can be used as weapons." By the end, Enna's hands have stopped and a ache has filled her chest. The pup lifts her head and whines softly, little pink tongue lolling out to gently swipe across her palm. Enna's forehead is resting on the cool porcelain of the tub and she manages a choked chuff in understanding. This little pup even after going through what she did, still trusts another wolf with her safety. Shoulders shaking as sobs long since overdue take hold. [@SomeoneSomewere]