Hey man, [url=http://fantasynamegenerators.com/map-creator.php#.Vqem3lntdPY]I used this[/url] for the map in my Iron Coast RP. It's quite good, and you can add even more detail with a paint program after you've crafted it on the site. Other than that, there's the Fractal World Generator (google it), which you could mark up and label yourself. I do that sometimes. I'd advise ye to craft/generate yourself a map first, and then start building on from there. Where are the characters starting? What areas are hostile? Who lives where? etc etc. Once we've got an idea of what this island nation looks like, and have a rough understanding of what's where, the rest should fall into place quite nicely. After that, you could probably throw me and a few pals into the world you've made and we'll fumble our way over to the Lich. So yeah, interested :)