[center][URL=http://s362.photobucket.com/user/NMShape/media/cooltext140029515708796_zps0ubkbafo.png.html][IMG]http://i362.photobucket.com/albums/oo63/NMShape/cooltext140029515708796_zps0ubkbafo.png[/IMG][/URL][/center] Nyna Shar had just enter the coordinates for Coruscant into the nav computer and was about to make the jump to hyperspace when the sounds of a cry for help flooded the cockpit. At first Nyna, nor the copilot Dono knew what they were listening to, but as the message played a knot began to form in her stomach. [center] [i] “This is Serra Eclipse of the Republic Senate. I am on a diplomatic mission to Rodia, however, the planet is under attack by…an unknown aggressor.” The unfamiliar voice explained. [/i][/center] “Joren, are you hearing this?” Nyna said as Joren came into the cockpit to better hear the cry for help. Joren just nodded in acknowledgement. [center][i]“ We are currently in an underground bunker in the Senatorial Palace, but we won’t be able to hold off our attackers for much longer. Please help.”[/i][/center] “We need to get to Rodia.” Joren said simply. Then suddenly, another voice came over the com system, this time it was the familiar voice of the Jedi, Kaylee Starsmore. “Dreams, did you get that?” “We got it.” Nyna replied. “Good, set a course for Rodia. We’re going to save a senator.” Kaylee’s voice came back. Nyna immediately reset the coordinates to Rodia in the nav computer, and made the jump to hyperspace. [center]***[/center] [i]Sub-orbit of the ocean world of Ando[/i] In the skies about Ando, the newest generation of the famous Rogue Squadron were engaged in suborbital combat training. Though the legendary squad had seen limited combat, mostly consisting of stepping in to stop territorial disputes that erupted from time to time, or the occasional skirmish with the growing threat of pirates, they still trained regularly to ensure that they were at peak performance should a real conflict arise. “He’s got a lock on me.” Stealth Leader said from the cockpit of his experimental “Stealth X” X-Wing star fighter. The words had barely escaped his lips when he completed a barrel roll to escape his enemy’s target lock, then pulled up hard, looping up over the enemy ship and then coming back down behind the other craft, then he “fired” his proton torpedoes. Instead of a pair of the torpedoes vaporizing the enemy ship, a flash of red light washed over the opposing X-wing, indicating that it had been destroyed. “Red 2 is down.” Stealth Leader said with a chuckle. “Better luck next time, Fel.” “One of these days I’m going to get you, Stealth Leader.” Red 2 quipped back. “Stealth Leader, we’re receiving an incoming transmission.” Red 4 cut in. “I’m playing it now.” [i] “This is Serra Eclipse of the Republic Senate. I am on a diplomatic mission to Rodia, however, the planet is under attack by…an unknown aggressor. We are currently in an underground bunker in the Senatorial Palace, but we won’t be able to hold off our attackers for much longer. Please help.”[/i] Silence hung in the air for a moment, and a sense of dread replaced the lighthearted atmosphere which had been present just moments prior. Stealth Leader heard a flurry of beeps and whirs as his astromech began chirping at him. “That’s right A-3, set a course for Rodia.” Stealth Leader said as he opened spoke into the open channel that the Rogues uses. “Rogue Squadron, we don’t have much time to waste. Rodia is just a short jump from here, we’re going in, and we’re going in hot.” He paused for a moment then spoke again. “Training time is over.” He closed the com as he made his way to orbit, where he and the rest of Rogue Squadron would make the jump to hyperspace.