[quote=@DJAtomika] My fighters are usually either elementals of some sort or fighters given eternal life in exchange for servitude.[/quote] Keep them away from Trixi's world, that's not hard for the demons of that world especially minor ones. But there's a terrible catch... [quote=@DJAtomika]The latter I am currently working into my roster of Tarot fighters, one of whom is the Emperor, who's currently in this tournament. I'm planning to write 22 characters for the 22 cards in the major arcana of the Tarot. One for each arcana. [/quote] Never created PCs that had a theme, though I did consider making Jacer's brother into a low tier fighter since the transformation would've made his body into metal and a nice Enslaved being. (Bio-machine creatures created by a virus thanks to the Dyne, an alien race invading their world)