"No... Yes... Kinda," Nobuhiko uneasily spoke out, answering James' rhetorical question about Asian parents in a vague, hardly-useful manner, "My parents are nice, but I don't have many average hobbies." He left the rest of it unsaid to let James continue on with his introduction. After all, Nobuhiko could easily wait a bit more time for his turn before explaining about what he meant by that. At any rate, he could cross that bridge when it came to it; right now, he was attentively listening to his partner's exposition."That's neat though. It might be hard but at least you learned something," he chirped, "I don't know any instruments but it looks like hard work." That remark said, he kept quiet and let James finish up his intro. While he couldn't really endorse lying to your parents, he supposed he could understand the reason behind it. Having time to chill out and relax was essential for a healthy lifestyle, so he heard. "What works, works," he agreed with a nod. Now, he figured, it was his turn to speak. "Akiya Nobuhiko, also 16, but from Japan," he began. So far so good; he hadn't said anything really weird or awkwardly personal or anything. "Specifically Nagoya, but that's not really important," he continued, "Before, I said something about less-than-average hobbies right? What I meant by that was that I usually just go around the neighborhood helping people out and volunteering and stuff. That's, ah, my 'hobby'." It took a brief moment to realize that might make him seem like a square, which he was, but he didn't want to be seen as some [i]humorless[/i] square. "Context is... basically I wanted to give back to the community and use my time to pick up skills... and pad out my university resume, but that was before I learned all about this." He gestured around the room. "I also like reading manga. Or comic books, as you Westerners might say," he added after a few brief moments.