Reno's mind felt as though he'd been in a daze for the past few hours. His execution was nearing, and his bindings and chains as tight as ever, cutting into the flesh of his arms more than it had been for the past few weeks. Someone had helped him, among others, escape from the hell hole. Who it was, wasn't really on his mind, as he operated on instinct rather than cognitive thought. He hadn't spoken at all since they had escaped, he didn't know anyone here. He expected all of them to be killed by now. Soon his mind started to clear, shaking off the extreme negativity that held it. Those thoughts lingered, but he felt more alive as they walked through the grasses. He didn't know where they were going, neither did he care. As long as he was out of there and free, he thought he'd be okay. He observed the man that had saved them. His hair was white, much like Reno's. [i][color=f7976a]Probably because he's old.[/color][/i] he chuckled inwardly. When the man mentioned a smell, he sniffed the air. Although he didn't know what it was, it was an odd smell that lingered among the smell of flowers and grass. A familiar smell. But he didn't know where he knew it was from. The man beckoned them to start jogging, but Reno opted to take longer strides. No need to tire yourself before anything happens. It wasn't long before they were ambushed by a giant knight. Reno had noticed that the smell was stronger than before, but he didn't think that such a huge man would escape his vision. The metal man shouted at them to drop their weapons, but Reno merely shrugged, his gesture hindered by his tight shackles. [color=f7976a]"No weapons here."[/color] He replied simply. The first thing he said since they had left was an 'astute' observation of his own equipment. Nice one. A woman spoke from the right, his head instinctively turned to look at her. [i][color=f7976a]More people with white hair![/color][/i] He smirked, but this time she was young. Beautiful. He could appreciate the aesthetic of the blades, but he wasn't sure about the practicality. But this wasn't time for an analysis. Beautiful woman with sharp things. Big metal man with giant hammer. Bad situation? Yeah, maybe. When the man told them to flee, Reno hesitated. He could feel a thrill course through him. He wanted to join in. He shook his head to regain some cognitive function, nodding slightly. [color=f7976a]"Alright. See ya later."[/color] And with that he sprinted off toward the crags, passing by everyone in a tunnel vision. He didn't bother looking back, for if he did, he might not be able to stop himself from trying to join. He didn't know why he felt this way, it wasn't like he had any combat capability. None that he knew of. Even if he did want to join, he couldn't.