[center][h1][color=lightgreen]Elena Reese[/color][/h1][/center] Elena looked over her shoulder Derrick and then over at Johanna as well as the other man that was with them and shrugged slightly. "I don't know, but something just doesn't seem right. And no I have not lost my mind, just follow behind me alright?" Elena quickly followed them around still making sure that they were a very good distance away from Johanna and the fellow agent with her. Eventually Elena was in an alleyway where Johanna had started vomiting in for some reason she didn't know why. Then there was another man and watched as what looked like red electricity surrounded his body, the other agent was knocked out only leaving Johanna there. She wasn't sure if Johanna was CIA or not, but she had to at least try something Elena turned towards Derrick. "Watch my back alright?" Elena said softly as she quickly came out of the cover holding her hands up in a non threatening way. "Whats going on here?" Elena asked trying to be as calm as possible. [@pockets][@ThatsWhatSheSaid][@FunnyGuy]