[quote=@Viciousmarrow] [color=a187be]"Intriguing..."[/color] the man muttered before he closed his large book, his golden eyes falling on his prisoners. A cold, aloof air followed him as he walked over to the 14 year old looking vampire. [color=a187be]"Igraine, it has been quite some time. I remember when you were just a toddler. London's little miracle. You were quite the demanding princess even then. Your father never paid you any heed though. I have yet to understand why you still remain in Amaury's domain, but perhaps you crave his blessing. I can tell you now that such an endeavor is... nigh impossible."[/color] Unlike his demeanor, his voice was soothing and calm, welcoming even. Marc felt some sympathy for the girl. To live in the shadow of someone so... cruel and inhumane was heartbreaking. [color=a187be]"If you find you can deal with the pain no more, you are always welcome in my halls. It would not be the first time I've had someone with his blood in my House."[/color] the Elder extended an invitation to the girl. Beneath those eyes of hers, he saw that Igraine could be greater than what she was. Whether or not she would listen, well... It was Amaury's daughter he was talking to, so he doubted she would defect to him. He strides just in front of the human, running the powder through his hand. [color=a187be]"This is a new product brought from South America called coca. It can be used as an anesthetic for certain surgical procedures, but it is mostly abused as a nervous system stimulant. Before now, it had yet to reach England. I am sure Amaury imported it, the clever fiend he is."[/color] he lectured, probably boring the two of them with his scientific approach to his wording. He diverts his stare to Igraine. Without missing much of a beat, he jumps right into another lecture. [color=a187be]"This was stolen right from under your father's nose. Although Amaury did not notice, Louis Ventrue took it from him. I am constantly amazed by that man's boldness as it was in plain sight of Francois and I. Ventrue, I assume, sent his Aspirant on a suicide mission then since he would, naturally, not know what this coca was. The man is too... ignorant... to understand his actions."[/color] Afterwards, the Elder produces two filled needles from his robes. Each contains a foreign, purple sizzling liquid. [color=a187be]"Now, I hope I have informed you of enough to be at peace with one another. You will go back to your masters with what you have learned from me. Igraine, I shall return your narcotics and pike back to you, as I don't wish for you to be harmed tonight. Amaury has zero tolerance for failure. And you, human, shall return to Ventrue with what you have learned, but do not be surprised if he has forgotten about your task already."[/color] With that, he took one needle and injected the substance into Augustus' veins first. No amount of writing would break their chains. Then Marc advanced on Igraine, implanting the same liquid into the Grangrel. At first, there was no impact on them, but that would soon change. [color=a187be]"This liquid will ensure you don't remember this place. You will remember my words, but nothing of what you have seen. Also, don't try to kill each other. I'll be watching you."[/color] With that, both of Marc's captives went limp. [hr]Augustus and Igraine wake up in a deserted alleyway, backs against the wall and lumped upon one another. The vampiress' pike is wrapped up again, and the human's pistol hangs from a holster at his waist. Passersby comment on them, either mistaking them for the homeless or two lovers. [/quote] Igraine wakes up and grabs her head in confusion. She finds herself on top of the human and quickly gets off. She gives herself a quick once over to make sure she hasn't been touched or violated in any way. Assured that nothing had been done to her, Igraine picks up her pike and looks down at Augustus. She considers ending him here, but Ravnos' words held her back. She doubted that she could expressly disobey an elder while in his territory immediately after he had issued those orders and expect to live. She slings the pike over her shoulder and makes sure she still has the block of coca. While the human wasn't much of a threat, the fact that Ravnos had told him all about the coca was worrisome. She didn't know what the erratic Ventrue would do with such information. It was also troubling to know that Ventrue had managed to steal it off of her father in the first place. Either way, her mission was accomplished, she could return to the nest and present the brick to the Wraith; she might even offer it in Lady Park's behalf, the Wraith would know Igraine retrieved the coca, but maybe it would make Elizabeth more appreciative of Igraine. But Igraine still couldn't shake the fact that letting this human run free was a good idea. Unsure what to do, she roughly prodded Augustus with her foot. [color=ec008c]"Hey! Wake up!"[/color] [@Akai no Senshi]