[center] [h1] “One declares so many things to be a crime, that it is impossible to live without breaking laws.” [/h1] [/center] [center] [img] http://img05.deviantart.net/757e/i/2012/362/2/e/hive_city_gorgis_by_orcbruto-d5pfece.png [/img] [/center] The City of Kahrenvel once stood as a glimmering fragment of all which humanity has accomplished. Like so many other of the galaxies sprawling metropolitan worlds, Kahrenvel was a bastion of thriving industry and technological wonders, nestled quietly in the verges of space. The economy boomed, and peace ruled the shining steel streets. [center] [b] Until the collapse. [/b] [/center] Mutants crawled out of pipes and burrows, scampering through the darkness and ripping apart whatever they could sink their claws into. Chaos swept through the planet in a raging inferno, as entire countries melted away into a heap of smouldering wreckage, stricken with the bodies of those who didn’t move fast or shoot quickly enough. [center] [h1] “Necessity is blind until it becomes conscious. Freedom is the consciousness of necessity.” [/h1] [/center] [i] No one is coming to save us [/i]. Kahrenvel rotted away as years, and then centuries flickered by. A rusted husk of scrap and bones was all that remained, drowned in the blood of the countless billions who succumbed to the horrors of the cold necropolis. [center] [b] Yet, somehow, life endured. [/b] [/center] [center] [h1] “Every man has a price, or a guy like me couldn’t exist.” [/h1] [/center] Some burrowed beneath the ground. Some slipped quietly into the burned out carcesses of skyscrapers. Some stitched their fortresses together from the bodies of the dead. It has been one hundred and eighty years since the fall of civilisation on Kahrenvel. All that remains of the city’s mechanized legacy is the broken shells of long silent factories, and the planet’s name itself. Technology is a twisted mess of everything from hyper-advanced space age wonders, to primitive barbarism. Some wield muskets, others laser guns. Some drive hover cars, others chariots. Kahrenvel has become a completely self-sustaining community, cut off from the galaxy around it. A world on fire, content to burn silently in the darkness. [h1] [center] “War can only be abolished through war, and in order to get rid of the gun it is necessary to take up the gun.” [/center] [/h1] [center] [img] http://pre02.deviantart.net/85ef/th/pre/f/2010/287/3/0/3333_a_d_by_elreviae-d30q59t.jpg [/img] [/center] [center] [h3] OOC [/h3] [/center] The game takes place in the ruins of a space opera style human colony. Kahrenvel is a missmash of countless generations of technology, and this is reflected in the planet itself. Some communities have endured relatively well, housing exclusive restaurants for the rich, and cutting-edge medical clinics. Others are a mess of tribal warfare and crippling disease. Sickly mutants pose a threat to those who came after the collapse, but no threat is so great as that which humanity poses to itself. The world is open for players to add and create to as they wish. Invent new factions, cities, and even countries. Do I have anyone’s interest? [center] [img] http://pre00.deviantart.net/772f/th/pre/f/2014/250/4/1/wasteland_by_hideyoshi-d7ya3za.jpg [/img] [/center]