Ezri had been listening intently as the Prince spoke. Her face was emotionless, but that was probably because she couldn't make heads or tails about how she felt over the situation. One thing was for sure, she would do her best to help. And with that, a loud thump sliced through the room. One of the guards came crashing through the door, an arrow lunged deep in his neck. She was on her feet in an instant at the surprise visitor. She watched as Indus plucked the arrow from his neck, there was no disgust, no flinch, no sadness...but anger. Blood gushed and flowed from the open wound creating a large puddle around the man. She had fought on the front lines many times before, she had seen death. But this act was not on the battlefield and was certainly an eye opener. Things were a lot worse than she realized. "Come then, let us follow the Prince on his grand crusade. All this talk of artifacts, and the dead guardsman at the doorway, has made this chair somehow unpalatable." Ulrin's voice broke her thought and the anger quickly dissipated. She nodded in response, unsheathed her sword and quickly followed after the Prince.