[img] https://cdn.scratch.mit.edu/static/site/projects/thumbnails/5079/9114.png [/img] What's it worth? For millennia, if not from the very beginning this was the question which kept people moving! Even now….. People discard morality, fear, family, and friends for the answer to that question and they are never satisfied with the answer. Throughout history very few were happy with what they got. And this? This story long ago, in a far, far away galaxy isn't about those who are happy with what they got. No. It is about those who discarded everything for the answer to the question “What's it worth”? No this isn't about the Sith, they still have their so called pride. Neither it is about the Jedi who discarded their emotions so they could find peace(and did they ever?). It is about us! The ones who discarded everything so that they could rise from the refuse of the galaxy. We survive because we do what others can't, or won’t. Because of their morals, ethics or religion. You call us murderers, but it was not us who wanted the death. You call us slavers, but we are merely couriers. As bad as some may call us, there are worse, and it is us who keep them at bay. At least that's what Vapjo used to believe. Now he knows that some people discard their money instead of parts of their bodies or souls. And they make the rules. All this ideological shit was nothing more than a muffled scream in space. It was this point of view that lost Vapjo his standing in the Guild. If you get a contract you accept it, end of story. Forget that he had two hundred and fifty four live captures to his name. Small bounties, true, but often two or three at a time. Maybe he left them in the hands of local law enforcement sometimes, but sometimes taking a captive offworld is simply impossible. Well, that’s enough to get you demoted. He could have been at the top! Or somewhere in the high middle at least, not the lowest of the low! So it surprised Vapjo when a Guild Overseer sent a holo message requesting him personally. The guild Overseer was stationed in the Kwenn Space Station. [hider= Kwenn Space Station ]The Space Station has a three-tiered structure. At the top is a city-like structure, which is home to entertainment and recreational facilities for travelers and many guild contractors. Below that is a platform with dozens of space docks for smaller ships. These docks have a modular construction, and can easily be reconfigured for starships of various classes and sizes. At the bottom is a hexagonal latticework structure, which acts as a dry dock for large capital ships. The station itself is orbiting a barren planet on a highly used hyperspace route on the outer edge of the mid rim. It is a common place to resupply and to start expeditions to the outer rims and sometimes even the wild space. [img] http://orig08.deviantart.net/bf75/f/2011/129/1/6/space_stantion_speedpaint_by_m3_f-d3fy3i8.jpg [/img] [/hider] The guild taxi docked onto the station, it just took a second for the magnetic cranes to lift the ship inside the energy hull which kept the air of the station inside. An automatic voice then said, first in basic and then in many other languages, that the passengers now might leave the ship and that they need to register it. The pilot nodded off the credits Vapjo was offering him and with a shrug he accepted that decision. It just meant that whatever brought him here, was more serious than it seemed. He followed the corridor and was lead to a long queue of people waiting to register their ships to finally enter the station and enjoy one of the many entertainment sections the Kwenn station had to offer. A beautiful Twil'lek women came from the counter and waved at Vapjo. He came over and she spoke to him in fluent twil’leki….but Vapjo didn't understand a single word. As the son of a slave, the first thing they do is rip away any culture or language you once had. So Vapjo answered in basic, assuming what she said. “I guess you are my escort to Gonzo?” it was the way she behaved and her body language that he didn't even have to wait for an answer. He was correct. The sudden loss of her beautiful mask revealed confusion before she raised her voice again “Ah I assumed you would speak….well, let's not waste time then! This way Mr. Sej'zunu~” Her voice was like silk and the way she moved her body, her hips alone and then her smell….. Vapjo concentrated on the task in front of him and eased a little up as he finally reached Gonzo’s office and the charming Twil'lek left the two of them to their buisness. Gonzo was sitting on his chair, his office was decorated heavily with all manner of useless, but valuable things to display his wealth. “The Twil'lek is good; I recommend you keep her but you can smell the nuance of weapon oil on her! “ A fat human smiled from behind his desk, “Hah sometimes I forget you are worth more than your reputation but I guess you aren't interested where I got her from. So shall we end this chit chat?” Vapjo’s face was a cold mask as he didn't answer, the silence in the room was growing, getting louder, painfully until Gonzo cleared his throat. “Yeah...umm...the reason right? Ahhhh yeah…” Gonzo changed appearence, he turned from the fat buisness man into the former bounty hunter he was, his brown eyes piercing at Vapjo and his face now showing the traits of countless fights. “Sure, I will keep it short! The Kynachi Sector is controlled by Kynachi Inc.! They had several problems with pirates in the past and we always took care of it but suddenly….well it seemed to get worse. Three Hunters already went missing and so we are sending a team” Before Vapjo even had the time to even fully understand the word ‘team’, Gonzo already lifted his hand to cut even his thinking off. “We are short on staff and we can not afford to lose the contract as well as other hunters! This is a guild management order and you have to obey. The party consists of many hunters, dunno some might even be freebies. They might even be greenhorns, I do not care! You get the main info on the mission and you directly report to the guild, TO ME!” Vapjo was filled with anger but he couldn't just decline the job, if you get a job DIRECTLY from your Overseer you either accept or leave the guild. “What's the money? And what's the briefing of the others?” Gonzo was again his slick self and smiled. “10.000 credits for each one of you! Kynachi Inc will provide you with a shuttle and provisions! They want to handle it as delicately as possible. You will gain the rest of the briefing at the headquarters of Kynachi Inc and now hush! You will meet the team at the Striker’s bar here at Kwenn Station.” Gonzo leaned over the table and placed a credit unit on the table! “Take some drinks and ease up” he said with a wink. Vapjo took it and went to the bar, it was about 50 credits and a contactor, showing the other ‘team mates’ where to find him. He hoped to find them soon or he would charge the guild for his time. Before Vapjo even entered the bar he was flushed with the music and the smells emitting from it. As soon as he entered he was blinded by blue and violet lights and deafened by basses souring through his body. It was exotic and definitely not a low class bar like on Mos Eisley. The bar was filled with all kind of aliens and visitors, even droids were allowed which is rather rare. Even though many people found themselves into the bar, it still had enough room and tables. Vapjo decided to rest at the bar counter and looked around. Some Ualaq and Rodian dancer are showing their skills inside a cage while a human musician created some electronic beats to it. He ordered a strong liquor and tipped the bartender with the 50 credits. “Just keep it coming” he growled towards him in basic. The human bartender, smartly, just answered with a nod. This was the most crucial moment of this hunt, more important than evaluation, the tracking or even the capture. A team meant relying on someone, a word and a deed most unknown to bounty hunters! Vapjo had the strange feeling that the team would cause more trouble than the job itself! But all he could do now was wait….. [hider= Striker’s bar] [img]http://img14.deviantart.net/f897/i/2008/092/3/e/star_wars_bar_scene_warmvscool_by_shockwave_b2635488.png[/img] [/hider]