[@Aintitfun1997][@Alina13] Hunter looked at the shotgun in his hands once Justine asked him about the ammo. "[color=007236]Hard to say, ammunition has always been complicated. Out of what I had this morning there are 4 twelve gauge slugs, all of which will only fit in the single barrel shotgun, maybe 8 pheasant shot, which function a lot like turkey loads. And roughly 27 training loads which I shouldn't have to explain why those don't really count for the ammunition. And I have no idea on the .22, maybe 15 rounds?[/color]" He grabbed the rifle as he walked into the camper. "[color=007236]Maybe less, I'll know once I count it up.[/color]" He set the shotguns and the rifle down to the side inside the camper, a lot of shots were fired so infected may come, though there wasn't a lot of room inside the small trailer. Hunter looked at Krystyn as she spoke. She was right, he wasn't sure about Justine but he didn't have another fight in him. He wasn't that strong, he wasn't really good with endurance, what he was good at doing was pushing himself until he couldn't do anything. "[color=007236]We shouldn't worry too much, the infected rarely get out here, with that never in numbers larger then one or two. And if we're lucky the traps will buy us time.[/color]" He attempted a smile, which was hard because he was more or less lying about the traps stopping the infected. The traps consisted of one bear trap, a few strands of wire, a poorly dug trench about 2 feet deep and about 10 feet long, and a few noise traps. Mostly made out of cans and bottles. "[color=007236]We'll be fine until morning, once that point comes we can go back to town, find your friend, and restock on ammunition.[/color]"