[youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K5pf-61zv0s[/youtube] Besh was busy being bugeyed at both the beautiful babes bouncing about before him. This is not to say he was unaware of his surroundings, but if someone wanted to end him, he'd rather be looking at something pretty when he went. He had met with Gonzo earlier in the day and was told where they would be meeting, he knew he wasent going to be in charge so he might as well make a good impression. He was traveling with all his gear, but not in full regalia to show off his profession. As long as he slipped credits into the cage's slot, they couldn't care less what he did or didn't dress like. He drank on something black, re-caffeinated and non-alcoholic to keep his mind clear. He only drank on rare occasions and this was not one of them. His com chimed and he looked down to read the digital print of the vocabulation "Leader en route, Vapjo, pale male twi'lek." With a reluctant sigh, He got up with his bag and headed to the fresher. Five minutes later, he emerged now in full regalia for work and scanned the crowds just in time to see the leader speaking with the human bartender. He gave it a good ten-count before heading over to meet with the twi'lek. He started with huttese, already assuming no one wanted to hear the nasal trumpeting of his species language. [color=bc8dbf]%"You going to be in charge?"%[/color]