[quote=@Bainshie] Hey, been looking at this and sounds interesting. Got an idea for a character, has no idea about all this space stuff (Think 1800's level of knowledge and civilization). Either ends up accidentally stowing away on either this ship, or on one the crew end up visiting. Obviously slightly out of the ordinary, so if you don't wanna work it in that's cool. [/quote] That could work. [quote=@Nytefall] [@ImportantNobody] Is it like the one in dead space? [/quote] they have sports in dead space? Or are we on a different topic? My sport has the goal in the middle, only one ball in most cases, and different rules such as they can shoot while moving. The floating using the same technology I came up with flying cars called space anchors. Think of them like energy bungee chords that can keep objects on track like a railway. That way inexperienced or evil drivers don't fly their car wildly around and smash into a building. Flying cars not using the space anchors in any UNT planet is forbidden without special privileges. This frees up military vessels and high important people to fly around unimpeeded. In the sport it doesn't restrict movement, just supports them.