Fay walked inside of the meeting room, her guard automatically taking up a flanking position in the corner of the room if he was needed. Fay herself sat down in a vacant chair, closest to her guard, putting one hand on top of the other on her lap and looking directly at whoever was talking to her. The man happened to know her name, so it was only polite of him to offer his own. However, she did not leap to ask this, since he already had asked a question, and an important one at that. "Sir, if I may say, I am one of several leaders of WUSO, one of which is our head-leader, and others may have varying opinions compared to mine. However, our [i]main[/i] opinion remains the same, that we simply could be at peace and live in space. If we weaponize our stations, and begin to develop point defense as well as ammunition, we could fight off any boarding attempts. WUSO has a hierarchy system, and can keep order between ourselves. We don't know of the customs you perform. The saying goes 'innocent until proven guilty', but to me, it's 'guilty until proven innocent'. In our current state, we can not tell our allies from our enemies, one of the main reasons I brought brought two men with me, one of which is not here, as per your rules," Fay says. [i]I brought two with me, but in reality there were three.[/i] One woman had snuck off plainclothed into the station, an informant to spy on the station. [i]You can never be too safe[/i]. "Ultimately, I cannot propose the [i]best[/i] survival plan, as I am no mayor trained to organised a space colony," Fay finishes her small speech.