As the two stations drew closer in preparation for docking, Godwin began organizing things across the station. He sent orders to each of his officers, issuing an explicit set of commands. Colonist training was to begin instantly, the men that he was going to leave behind upon meeting up with the other survivors were to begin selecting idle colonists who had yet to be assigned an important role aboard the station and put them through physical training for the day and following weeks, along with weapons training, and more. Those assigned to the factory floors of the station were to take their positions and begin practicing with the machinery, learning what they can from the information received from the Italian prisoner who they had previously interrogated and getting used to the work. Men and women ran to and fro aboard the station, practicing emergency drills which got them used to the idea of another station attacking their own. A special committee of officers began drafting plans for the defense of the station and sorting through the archives of weapons and armor, planning their first production should they get the materials. Gathering the men that were to board the docked station with him, Godwin couldn't help but notice the changes that were coming from the restructured security force. Policemen and security guards were now starting to resemble a true military force, saluting their superiors and maintaining the steely gaze and posture of a professional combatant. Given enough time, he had no doubt that they could rival any enemy. [@scifidude47] After the stations had docked, it would be some time before the Nationalists had left their station. However, when they did, it was much like a big show. Nearly twenty men armed with combat rifles and equipped with gear reminiscent of riot armor exited from the station, completely blocking the entrance to their own vessel. After a minute or so of complete silence and silent watching of the other station's representatives, the men parted in the middle, allowing the passage of their leader and two officers. Each of them immediately let their rifles fall to their hip, gripped in one hand, while their free arm went upward in an angle and their fists clenched. They shouted in unison before resuming their alerted positions, "HEIL!" The gathering of militia like troops was purely a show of power. Godwin had no fear of his station's security at the time being. He wanted to show that the Union was no force to be reckoned with and any failure of cooperation could easily be met with hostility. Godwin smiled warmly as he and his officers approached Gerret and his own representatives. The three men stopped short of the others and saluted them just like the guards had to their Savior General and superiors, only Godwin's lips opening as his voice bellowed, "Heil!". Extending a hand in greeting, he introduced himself to the stranger. "Sir Godwin D'Agincourte, at your service". He looked around momentarily before continuing, "Would you happen to have somewhere more comfortable for us to open up discussion?"