"Oh, don't feel insulted. I sort of knew you'd find out, mister Stone," Fay says. "After all, in a community so small, it wouldn't be hard to find someone new." Taking into account what mister Stone said about the agent remaining there, Fay started to tap her fingers a little. The guard in the corner of the room raises his left hand to his ear, his right arm drooping down nonchalantly, looking like he was just relaxing a little. The pure reality, however unintentional it [i]looked[/i], was that his right hand was closer to his sidearm than before. He began talking in a very hushed and quiet voice, into an earpiece slotted into his left ear. "The matter of a fact is that she is a highly trained professional, vital to operations of WUSO. She won't be remaining here, thank you very much." Almost cockily, Fay gives a smile and a nod to Stone, one of slight respect, as he had discovered her operative that quickly. Not fast enough, however, Fay knew. They weren't a Wendell special operations team for nothing. "Onto materials, if you looked close enough, you'd realize that a lot of our station consists of different ships. We could probably salvage some bulkheads, and give them as materials. It would cost, however. Mainly food."