Zander smiled at the last remark. Yes, he would do just fine at helping them, he didn't have a choice anymore. His eyes cut to Cecil when he lifted his Mura hand in what could only be a shy wave. Tilting his head in slight though he couldn't help but wonder who the quiet entity was. A bodyguard for the Princess Pain here? Perhaps more then met the eye it would seem. So engrossed in his staring, it was a slight shock to see someone standing before him, hand held out, and if Zander had to place it a disarming smile on his face. He could do what he did to the Princess, just to annoy her, his eyes shifted to the younger of the group, Amuné and stared at her for a moment. He would in all good conscious, have to read their auras to make sure nothing clung to them. His healing training taught him to always learn who had wait to help with minor healing and with major workings. What wouldn't work and what would. Sighing and taking his eyes off the youngest of the group, he gripped Ethan's hand and dropped it as if he had been jolted. "What in the world..." Zander muttered under his breath, the Seal Paper from earlier glowing in his pouch. "Poison... No residue, rather... Left over..." Gripping Ethan's hand again and smiling softly, he let his own [i]borrowed[/i] power wash over Ethan. "I guess as her [i]Royalness[/i] stated," Zander grinned watching the sea-green glow rolling across Ethan's body as it purged the lesser poison away. "I am Alezander. Wandering Healer. Since I shall be placing your life in my hands, I must ask you put mine in yours." Grinning wickedly at Nymira, "A liar as well yes, but that is all in the semantics. Worry not Madam Secretary, the Mayor will awaken in good time. Before we get too caught up in everything, I'll have to let my Papers feel out your Aura's to know if you have anything left over from previous fights, or if healing is needed. Which," again he smirked at Nymira. She would be fun to wind up, he knew she wouldn't kill him, the blade was for show. "means I'll have to [i]touch[/i] each of you. I can do this and walk at the same time. It will be such wonderful times, I am most certain." Without waiting for a response Zander headed for the door and towards the exit. Stopping a few steps before, he couldn't stop himself, he looked at Cecil. "You look tired. Perhaps you should rest more often... Or not." Stopping to grab his staff, he slung it over his shoulder, letting it fall into the make-shift sheath along his back. Stretching and keeping his senses alert, he waited at the door for the rest to talk and walk and get this over with. Thinking to himself, he couldn't help but be wary of the youngest of the group. He could feel the pulse coming off her. It felt like his mother, the Saint who watched over him as well. This, would not be a fun time at all. [i]After this, I'll heal Olga, and be gone before they know it.[/i]