[@Lugubrious] Miriam had calmed down. Her laughing had stopped. The battle was ending. She watched as the amphibious Aforgomon opened its mouth and showed its endless expanse of complications and knowledge. Though such a sight did not scare her, it gave her an idea of what it was trying to communicate. It didn't surprise her that the deity lasted long enough to remove and swallow her Rakuyo, though she did take a moment to clench her fist at the act. She watched it craft a new Rakuyo from stardust. She watched it embed the blade into the ground and melt into its death. A moment of silence passed as she stood before her former opponent's gift. Finally, Miriam spoke, "[color=ed145b]I may very well never be able to know what you know, or see what you see...[/color]" She lifted Rakuyo from the ground, and separated its dagger and sword parts from each other, holding each part on each hand. "[color=ed145b]But you were fun. We should've hung out more...[/color]" Miriam through the two blades into the air, and let the cut her as they descended. Her body...her blood stained the blades. Despite the extra sting of the godly stardust, Miriam shouldered the pain and caught the weapons again before they hit the ground. When she regained her posture, she returned them to their normal state of being as a single weapon. "[color=ed145b]The blood of Celestial beings stain this blade. I swear by this blood that I will grow and learn. I swear by my blood...my mother's blood...that I will grow and create a land of peace. For whatever it's worth. Thank you, oh worthy opponent.[/color]" What was left of the mist gathered. It surrounded her with a mix of murky red and white. When it dispersed...Miriam was gone. [center][h3]Meanwhile...[/h3][/center] [@Cuccoruler] When the battle ended, the Departed had stopped their roar. Long ago, Claire had listened to the final words of the lingering spirits. Though it was out of greed to gain inspiration, they were grateful nonetheless. They had pledged to do her one single favor for her. All she needed to do was ask, and speak nonsensical lyrics that held the degradation of their sanity. A reminder of what they had suffered before they departed for the afterlife. That favor was fulfilled. It had taken a lot out of her, and but in a battle with olden gods, she had to admit that she should've expected it. Still, Yuki was unconscious and injured. She could have died in a battle that was brought about against her wishes. Claire knew her sister. She knew that she didn't wish for the extinction of the human race. It was THEIR fault. It was Cia's...! Claire stood up and opened a portal. From it was the sound of calming music. She gently placed Yuki into it, and let the bending light and soft darkness drift her unconscious body to a safer place. Claire simply stood where she was, thinking about things. She had come to a decision, and would voice it. No matter how insignificant it would be. "[color=f7941a]This is exactly why I ran away from my mother[/color]" said Claire. "[color=f7941a]I thought that living among the mortals and bonding with them would help me to learn their struggles. It would help me learn how to help them when they needed it. So that they'd learn to live and love, instead of...[/color]" Claire clenched her fists. "[color=f7941a]I thought, as the next generation of gods, we were supposed to prevent ourselves from making the same mistakes as our parents. Instead we've made things worse![/color]" Her grip was tightened. "[color=f7941a]We had friends among those humans. Now they're all dead, because we 'had no choice.' Not only that, my sister was pulled into a battle she and I had no right nor reason to be involved in. All because you...[/color]" Claire almost drew blood from her grip, but relaxed and let go. She let out a sigh. "[color=f7941a]Ah, well. I guess it couldn't be helped...Because of all the **** my sister had to go through, I'll call this Strike One. From now on, I'll join your meetings, potlucks, and whatever the **** else you guys do, but two more strikes and I'll make sure you all have a bad time.[/color]" She turned to the other deities with a wide smile on her face. "[color=f7941a]Seeya's![/color]" Claire stepped through the portal to her own realm and closed it. She let out a sigh and returned her focus on nursing Yuki as she rests.